badge-868686 cross-posted this post in EXODE Pilots 5 years ago

EXODE Card Opening, and a new Booster Promotion for one week!

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

We had our first card opening event yesterday!
It was for Starters, happened a bit later than scheduled, but all people could see all their 42 cards in full.

A player also released a getting started tutorial and a guide to access your cards.

But now you can also see all your cards in your collection page.

The collection page. It will also be upgraded tomorrow with search features.

a full review of his opening experience with the Ark Starter.
a video opening his starters.@steemmillionaire wrote @kobusu also released

opening cards video!But the first to have deployed his video was @vcdragon with his

A big thank you to the community!

Moving on with Contract Opening!

The game is now moving on with its May milestones of more cards ; the next objective are Contracts, with the Contract Opening soon. All these nice Syndicate cards and Rekatron weapons!

I'll need some flexible time to end work on Contract Opening; current target is in 3 days. (May 12th now)

As mentioned before, the contract drops receive a +1 week on their drops, and they will continue to do so at whatever date they are opened. This means your drops are stored there!

So whatever date the event comes up, your contracts will be ready with all their drops.

Tom will give you assets to use in Colonization!

How about using some weapons in EVAC in May?

Will you receive the top Kumicho legendary, or some of the epic Yakuza?

... and now a Booster Promotion!

As you all know, the Boosters have kept their early price at 2 USD each.

They will only increase price 48 hours after booster opening, meaning they increase price in roughly one week!

This means it's time to stock up on boosters.
So there is a new promotion:

Every person with 40+ boosters will receive an additional Federal Database.
And every person with 80+ boosters will receive an additional Admiral Valro.
This promotion will go on for one week only!
These bonuses will be dispatched when the promotion ends.

If you already have all these boosters, you have nothing to do!
Otherwise it's the right moment to get them!


The Federal Database, included in the Elected Leader starter, is Versatile (usable by all crew and ships).

That is the reason why it is interesting to have more cards of it as you can then include it in several games.

It has an extremely important usage for Colonization gameplay.

The Secret Datacore you will receive is randomly determined thanks to a special Datacore loot table.

It will give you some lore (the Federation has some secrets, even about these aliens) but also act as a collectable on your colony (you can gather other datacores!) that unlocks more colony actions.

One of the most simple use of the Federal Database is always available.

It is to investigate information about your citizens.

Thanks to the citizen DNA and a history of all his actions, the system AI can determine some of his/her skills and grades. In game terms, this means you can send someone on the database, target a citizen, and receive a more comprehensive profile.


The other bonus is Admiral Valro, one of our epic characters. Epic cards have a 4% rarity in boosters, and epic characters are more rare than that, so having an additional Epic Character is certainly important.

Admiral Valro, as it happens, is a good tactical leader - something to use and exploit a lot during the EVAC rewards of later this month!

I was to share with you more information about our Elected Leader starter already; but that will have to wait for tomorrow! See you soon in EXODE!


EXODE is a space colonization game on HIVE.

It is currently in playable alpha. We are still only one week in its alpha and many features will be added in May. Playing it needs a 8 USD Starter and the game accepts HIVE coins, STEEM coins and Paypal.

More information about EXODE can be found on our website, our Discord, or multiple posts such as this one about our epic characters, or this trailer made by a fan, or this review or this one .