“Hair, Thair, and Everywhair”: An eXode Planetary Challenge

in EXODE Pilots5 years ago


The Bald and the Beautiful

“Boy howdy we sure got ourselves up’n outa thar in the nick’o time hey fellas? Those aliens near squashed us like a bug in this little thang. “

“That was indeed a lucky escape Oksana, it’s a good thing your piloting skills are better than your command of the english language. First Officer Shen now that we have successfully left hyperspace, have you decided where we will land this clown car?”


“Right then, well which is it, the moon the asteroid or the water planet?”

Shen solemnly points at the big blue orb that seems to glow as it hangs there in front of them, like a giant plasma ball or one of those kitchy hover lamps that were popular when she was a kid. Eliza can’t help but think of Earth. Every child was shown pictures of what the earth looked like before it changed and then after, when what remained of humanity had fled first to the moon and nearby planets, and then out into the galaxy. Even the moon resembled the Earths moon, but there’s no way their wild trip through hyperspace could have brought them there...

“Aww shucks Shen hunny, you know I get all bothered when you play the strong silent type...”

“Oksana if you keep gushing like that we’re going to drown before you even get this little shipplet to the surface.”

“‘Liza honey green is not your color”

Shen eyed Oksana and grinned as she winked at him. It wouldn’t be too bad being stranded on a tropical island with these two lovelies...

Ed, the preservation officer, just looked at their leader Martha impassively and shrugged. The two of them had been on enough seemingly peaceful and uninhabited planets on expeditions together to know that there were always surprises. No use trying to warn the others though, these epic characters never listened to cards of his rarity.

My strategy is pretty straightforward for this challenge, as much food and water as possible, and a blend of muscle, science, and medical abilities. Since the ship is scrappable I assume these brainy science folk can figure out a way to distill some water before their rations run out and hopefully they can catch something edible.

The CO5 should be pretty helpful and with the arena suits Shen, Oksana and K-19 should be able to defend the camp pretty well. It is my understanding that the arena suits will be able to be equipped with the Planet Scan Software which could be really useful in exploring, perhaps being able to map the ocean bottom or find a landmark that they didn’t see initially.

I have no idea what the two mysterious passengers will be up to or what they are capable of, but since they won’t be taking any valuable resources from the humans, anything they can contribute will be great.

Launcher link: https://digitalself.io/api_feed/exode/read_deck_viewer.php?account=%27blockmonster%27&deck=%27baldie-contest%27


Love the title picture.
Hooray for flavor text!

Thanks! I’m getting more into using .png’s for headings instead of markdown. I’ve got a post on weapons coming out in a couple hours that I did that with a bit more, it looks pretty good imho ;)