The Baldie Challenge Aftermath, Part Five: Heating Up

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago (edited)


Happy #syndicatesunday Captains!

We are back with the next 15 days of our Baldie Challenge. Yesterday has been a rough day for some colonies, with a total of now 5 Captains eliminated from the contest and 7 Captains still standing.

If you only want to take a look how your own colony is doing, please note that there are two encounters for the ocean world again this time.

Let's see who will make it to day 60 and walk away with a brand new Epic card!

The Ocean world

The wave had hit your island fast and hard. Without appropriate shelter you would have never survived the impact. Your crew remained in safety until the flood waters had receded. Luckily, most of your supplies had been safely stored, so at least your crew would not run out of food and water until the Colombus arrived.

Once your crew was certain that it was safe to go outside again, they started to record the damage done...

@blockmonster: The Shelter Happy Five had done a great job keeping you safe. But this was a construction specifically built to resist basically everything thrown at it from the outside. The rest of your installations were not that lucky, though. It seemed the Foodie Moodie just got washed away, at least it was nowhere to be found. The X-Gen TR100 was badly damaged but at least it was still standing.


Shen and Eliza took a look at it together but there was nothing they could do. Without a mechanic in your crew, the generator was damaged beyond repair. For the rest of your stay on that island you'd have to do without Energy. While you wouldn't die because of that, it also meant that your Shelter Happy Five couldn't keep up it's Atmospheric Shielding. If there was another event like the flooding you'd probably be dead.

All things considered, it could have been worse but you desperately hope that you won't need any energy until the Colombus arrives.

Result of Encounter

  • Foodie Moodie destroyed - 5 damage
  • You are out of Energy - 10 damage
  • Colony Health remaining: 75

@apshamilton: Your Underground Construction had done a great job keeping you safe. It seemed the Foodie Moodie just got washed away, though. At least it was nowhere to be found. While you'd miss that Happy Soday, you still had enough Food and Water remaining from your Soup and Cook and your own plant garden. Speaking of which, the garden itself was ravaged as well. At least you had already harvested a substantial amount of plants from it, so you were good until the Colombus comes to pick you up nevertheless.

Luckily, you never used a power generator and instead trusted in Energy Cells. This way you still had Energy available in case anything like the Flooding should happen again.

Result of Encounter

  • Foodie Moodie destroyed - 5 damage
  • Colony Health remaining: 40

@raudell: The Shelter Happy Five had done a great job keeping you safe. But this was a construction specifically built to resist basically everything thrown at it from the outside. Your other installation was not that lucky, though. The X-Gen TR100 was badly damaged but at least it was still standing.


The Military Engineer took a closer look at it and did some initial tests. It's badly damaged but I should be able to fix it. Should take me about a week! he proclaimed. You were not particularly happy about not having a shelter with atmospheric shielding for a whole week but it was better than just scrapping it!

Result of Encounter

  • Nothing got destroyed or damaged beyond repair - Great job Captain!
  • Colony Health remaining: 95

With the damage to your colony recorded, your crew set off to check on the rest of the island. You were not exactly sure what to look for, but maybe the flood washed ashore something of value?

@blockmonster: We should stick together, just in case! Oksana preferred a tactical approach to the situation. It might have still been the same old island, but it's better to be safe than sorry. The crew started with checking the shoreline. It seemed like nothing had changed there expect for some fish and crustaceans trapped in puddles. Remember, don't get in touch with any sea-life! Eliza reminded everybody. With the coast completely checked, your crew turned to the forest making up most of the island.

The trees seemed to be mostly unaffected by the flood, with only some smaller ones damaged or uprooted. It seemed like there wasn't much to be seen here. Eliza concluded that these floods must be more or less frequent and that the trees had adapted to it over time. After some more wandering around, the Preservation Officer abruptly stopped. Look, there's something in the trees!


In about 10 metres height, there were dozens of strange animals sitting on one of the trees. It could best be described as some kind of crab with a proboscis, seemingly sucking something out of the trees. They were about 30-40 cm in diameter and their color was close if not identical to that of the trees. Look, there are more over there! Eliza had found another tree with at least 20 more of these crabs. Shen had a bad feeling about that. Kilbot, initiate scan, how many of these things are there? He did not like the answer. Approximately 1.623 entities found within visual range. Your crew agreed that it was possibly a good idea to slowly retreat from the scene, but it was already too late for that.

Almost unnoticed, some of the crabs had already jumped down from the trees. With a speed not thought possible, they charged towards the crew. The Kilbot didn't need any orders for that. His first blast took out half a dozen of the crabs next to Shen. He then went to full auto and shredded through everything coming close to your crew. More and more crabs descended from the surrounding trees and the rest of your crew joined in on the action. After almost 5 minutes of constant blasting and firing everybody stopped. Looks like there are no more of them alive.

Your crew was not really sure what these creatures were about to do to you, but you sure are happy that you won't find out. Eliza and the Preservation officers collected some specimen that were not completely obliterated for further study and your crew returned to the colony. You survived the onslaught unscathed, but it cost you most of your ammunition.

Result of Encounter

  • Nothing bad happened - Great job Captain!
  • Colony Health remaining: 75

@apshamilton: We split up a bit to cover more ground, but stay in shouting range to me everybody! Alanna Vös assumed command of the expedition. It might have still been the same old island, but it's better to be safe than sorry. There really was n hope for that, but maybe Shen somehow managed to hold on? The crew started with checking the shoreline. It seemed like nothing had changed there expect for some fish and crustaceans trapped in puddles. With the coast completely checked, your crew turned to the forest making up most of the island.

The trees seemed to be mostly unaffected by the flood, with only some smaller ones damaged or uprooted. It seemed like there wasn't much to be seen here. After some more wandering around, Alanna Vös abruptly stopped. Look, there's something in the trees!


In about 10 metres height, there were dozens of strange animals sitting on one of the trees. It could best be described as some kind of crab with a proboscis, seemingly sucking something out of the trees. They were about 30-40 cm in diameter and their color was close if not identical to that of the trees. Look, there are more over there! Stug had found another tree with at least 20 more of these crabs. Alanna Vös had a bad feeling about that. Kilbot, initiate scan, how many of these things are there? She did not like the answer. Approximately 1.623 entities found within visual range. Your crew agreed that it was possibly a good idea to slowly retreat from the scene, but it was already too late for that.

Almost unnoticed, some of the crabs had already jumped down from the trees. With a speed not thought possible, they charged towards you. Your crew was more than prepared for that. With quick strikes, Alanna Vös and the Killbot took out the first wave of crabs. More and more of them descended from the surrounding trees and the rest of your crew joined in on the action. After almost 5 minutes of constant blasting and firing everybody stopped. Looks like there are no more of them alive.

Your crew was not really sure what these creatures were about to do to you, but you sure are happy that you won't find out. Your crew returned to the colony. You survived the onslaught unscathed, but it cost you most of your ammunition.

Result of Encounter

  • Nothing bad happened - Great job Captain!
  • Colony Health remaining: 40

@raudell: We split up a bit to cover more ground, but stay in shouting range to me everybody! Alanna Vös assumed command of the expedition. It might have still been the same old island, but it's better to be safe than sorry. The crew started with checking the shoreline. It seemed like nothing had changed there expect for some fish and crustaceans trapped in puddles. Remember, don't get in touch with any sea-life! Eliza reminded everybody. With the coast completely checked, your crew turned to the forest making up most of the island.

The trees seemed to be mostly unaffected by the flood, with only some smaller ones damaged or uprooted. It seemed like there wasn't much to be seen here. Eliza concluded that these floods must be more or less frequent and that the trees had adapted to it over time. After some more wandering around, Alanna Vös abruptly stopped. Look, there's something in the trees!


In about 10 metres height, there were dozens of strange animals sitting on one of the trees. It could best be described as some kind of crab with a proboscis, seemingly sucking something out of the trees. They were about 30-40 cm in diameter and their color was close if not identical to that of the trees. Look, there are more over there! Eliza had found another tree with at least 20 more of these crabs. Tyron had a bad feeling about that. They are everywhere! Your crew agreed that it was possibly a good idea to slowly retreat from the scene, but it was already too late for that.

Almost unnoticed, some of the crabs had already jumped down from the trees. With a speed not thought possible, they charged towards the crew. Alanna Vös turned to the ones closest to the crew and started shooting. More and more crabs descended from the surrounding trees and the rest of your crew joined in on the action. After almost 5 minutes of constant blasting and firing everybody stopped. Looks like there are no more of them alive.

Your crew checked on each other, seems everybody was still standing. On second look, there were several holes in Tyrons Spartan Elite suit and he was bleeding heavily. Elizah rushed to him and immediately started treating his wounds. What kind of creature was that? They went right through my armor!

Eliza collected some specimen that were not completely obliterated for further study and your crew returned to the colony. You survived the onslaught without casualties, but it cost you most of your ammunition and it will take Tyron some time to recover.

Result of Encounter

  • Tyron got bitten - 10 damage
  • Colony Health remaining: 85

The Moon

@slabakbg: Without a place to go or anything to do really, your crew uses their time to fortify the base as good as possible. You create cover around the room and build a bottleneck for the way down. If anybody is coming for you, you'll be ready for him. The days go by and you almost start to feel a little safe within the base. Then, in the middle of the night, the huge screen in your base turns on and you are looking at a man in his forties dressed in the same uniform you've already seen you've already seen on the hologram outside. So who exactly do you think you are?

Eliza turns to the screen and starts to follow Federation protocols. Greetings to you, I am Eliza, I speak on behalf of the Federation... she starts but is interrupted immediately by the man in the screen. You are Federation!? So they sent their hounds after us again! I have nothing more to say to you, prepare to die scum! With that, the screen fades to black again. Whoever that guy was, it seems he's not a huge fan of the Federation. You had no idea what humans where doing on that side of the galaxy in the first place, but now was not the time to give that any more thought.


So that was it. With nowhere to go, all you could do was wait for them to come for you. They probably wanted their base back, so you where positive that they won't just destroy it from orbit. Everybody got ready for the inevitable. But nothing happened. For hours. For days. Your crew took turns with guard duty and sleeping. Just when you thought that just maybe they would not attack, it happened.

In an instant, the lights turned off. Seconds later, there was a loud blast and several flashbangs exploded scattered across the room. These guys were good. Before you even knew it, somebody shot the Maintenance Crew. The Battle-Trained Socialite didn't need to see anything in order to kill. She could feel it and she was the one that took down two of the attackers with her Blade. But it was not enough, your crew didn't stand a chance against the attackers. Die you Federation monsters! It took them only a couple of minutes and your crew lay dead on the ground. Your mission had failed...

Result of Encounter

  • You were slaughtered by the attackers - 100 damage
  • Colony Health remaining: 0
  • You have been eliminated - Thank you for your participation and better luck next time Captain!

@palasatenea: Everybody in your crew was in a pretty good mood lately. With firm control over the base and supplies to easily last you until the Colombus arrives things where looking really good. Other than Ayumi nobody in your crew really was a fighter, though. You could only hope that the control of the base would be enough to keep anybody from attacking you. On of these days, there's an odd ringing sound you hadn't heard before. Uhm boss, I think somebody is hailing us the Syndicate Hacker informed Ayumi. Okay? Can you, like, put him through?


I'll try. After some seconds, the huge screen in your base turns on and you are looking at a man in his forties dressed in a strange uniform you have never seen before. So who exactly do you think you are? Ayumi was many things, but she was no diplomat. What's that to you douchebag? Mind your own business! That was not exactly what the man had hoped for. Well, for one, you are sitting in my base, eating my food and drinking my Happy Soda. So I give you one last chance to explain yourself before I come and rip your eyes out! Ayumi was not impressed Be my guest, I'll be waiting for you! With that, she severed the connection.

Syndicate Hacker, can you locate where they are? It takes him a while to check the scanners but he finally finds them *There's a spaceship incoming fast. It's a big one! Can you put it on the screen? A couple seconds later, Ayumi stares at a Mymidon Assault Transport. That's... not good!


So that was it. They probably wanted their base back, so you where positive that they won't just destroy it from orbit. Did you reprogram those missile launchers Syndicate Hacker? - I sure did boss. - Excellent, I'm sure they won't expect that. Give them all we have once they are in range! The Myrmidon closed in quickly, they had laid in a course directly for the base. Once they got close enough for all launchers to target the ship, the Syndicate Hacker started to fire missiles at the ship. He had never done anything like that before and only a couple of missiles really hit their target. Damn this ship is resistant! - Aim for their engine, we need to bring them down! It took another few missiles until he hit the engines. This time, the hit showed some effect. The engine exploded and the Myrmidon started to go down uncontrolled. It finally crashed into the moon about 30 km away from the base.

We did it! We destroyed them! Ayumi celebrated but the Syndicate Hacker had bad news I... I don't think so boss, the ship is intact, I think they are still alive! This was not the kind of news Ayumi had hoped for. She was sure that the crew of the Myrmidon would certainly outgun her own team. So the question was whether to stay here and wait for their attack or evacuate the base and hide in the canyon. Ayumi gathered her crew and discussed the options...

Result of Encounter

  • Nothing bad happened: Good job Captain!
  • Colony Health remaining: 120

@veryanprime: The mood in the base was eerie. Nobody knew what to expect. Well, nobody but the Special Infiltration Agent. But while she seemed really confident in the beginning she was obviously getting more and more nervous with every passing day, constantly checking some little device she was carrying with her in her pocket. One of these days she suddenly shouted out They are coming! Tech Expert, get that communication feed going again! Eliza scratched her head But didn't we just... The Special Infiltration Agent had no time for that Shut up Eliza, Tech Expert, do it, NOW! Obviously somewhat afraid of the agent, he rushed to get the feed back up and running.


It only took a minute until the huge screen in your base turns on and you are looking at a man in his forties dressed in the same uniform you've already seen on the hologram outside. So who exactly do you think you are? The Special Infiltration Agent smiles at the screen, but you can tell that she is terribly tense right now. James! How very good to see you The man on the screen is just staring at the Special Infiltration Agent, his eyes wide open. If you didn't know better, you'd assume he just saw a ghost. Er... Erica? Is that... is that you? It seems the Special Infiltration Agent is relaxing a bit. Who do you think it is? Of course it's me, now come pick me up! He still stares at that screen... *Of course...we... we will be with you in an hour.

With that, the screen turns to black again. She turns to the rest of they crew Alright everybody, you have an hour. If you are still hear when they arrive I will have to kill you all. Eliza could not believe what she was hearing. Excuse me...? The Special Infiltration Agent slowly shakes her head You have played your role and now it's time for you to leave. These men are the Federations most wanted criminals and they think I am one of them. I only have one shot at this and I can't have you stand in my way! Now grab as much oxygen as you can and get the hell out of here! The crew was looking at each other. They were scientists, mechanics. Nobody had the courage to speak up. After a minute of silence Eliza slowly started to move. Packing up as much compressed oxygen as she could she urged everybody else to do the same. Once they were all packed up she once again looked over to the Special Infiltration Agent. Leave! Now!

Without looking back, the crew heads out of the base and through the deactivated mine field. Meanwhile a Myrmidon Assault transport approaches the base. A small shuttle is sent to the ground but your crew is already too far away to make out anything more. You still have no clue what happened there, but you made it back to the shuttle and you now have enough oxygen to make it through the final month... Or at least that's what you thought. When the Myrmidon leaves the moon again, a single missile is fired at your colony. You had it coming. She played you. If only somebody had been courageous enough to speak up to her, maybe someone that was more intimidating or just somebody better in diplomacy than yourself. But you hadn't. The missile comes in fast and wipes out your whole colony...

Result of Encounter

  • A member of your crew knew more than you - that wasn't good
  • You got played, your colony got destroyed - 100 damage
  • Colony Health remaining: 0
  • You have been eliminated - Thank you for your participation and better luck next time Captain!

The Asteroid

@digital-wisdom: Eliza was still furious about what happened in the asteroids core. If the Federation was around they'd teach that Hegemony a lesson! Who do they think they are!? But whoever they were, in the end Eliza knew that they were at least one thing: Outgunning her crew by a lot. If the Kilbot was still on her side, she might consider to make another move. Maybe if that crazy Hacker was still around she knew from the academy. But between her and the two Exploration Officers, there was nothing they could do to turn things around.


Their first priority was surviving until the Colombus picked them up and Eliza was not willing to risk the success of that mission for some futile acts of revenge. At least it seemed the Ptekorians didn't hold any grudges against her and her crew, so they should be safe in these tunnels.

It was only one more month to go. For now, the crew just had to wait...

Result of Encounter

  • Nothing bad happened: Good job Captain!
  • Colony Health remaining: 70

And that's all for today Captains.

There was a lot of bloodshed on the moon today, sadly most crews where ill prepared for the challenges waiting for them in the end. @palasatenea is still going strong there, but will he be able to handle what's coming his way?

The Asteroid had a pretty relaxed day with @digital-wisdom's crew choosing to not do anything about the stolen robots.

On the Ocean World the flood receded and all crews were prepared to fight the alien crabs coming for them. Well done Captains!

Now let's have a quick look at the standings after 60 days:

Ocean World:
@raudell: 85 health
@blockmonster: 75 health
@apshamilton: 40 health
@apprentice001: eliminated
@proto26: eliminated

The Moon:
@palasatenea: 120 health
@veryanprime: eliminated
@slabakbg: eliminated
@nockzonk: eliminated

The Asteroid
@digital-wisdom: 70 health
@craniuma: eliminated
@drillith: eliminated

Everybody still alive just won himself an Epic card from @exoderewardspool. As always, I'll send out these cards shortly after releasing this article - Congratulations Captains!

With today's events concluded, we are only 2 more encounters away from being rescued by the Colombus. Who's going to make it to the end? We'll be back tomorrow with the next 15 days!

Please follow to keep up to date on all things @eXodegame!

Hyperspeed to the eXode universe!


Brilliantly put together again!

I never realised how effective Kilbot is - more than an entire crew of armoured humans!

Alien crabs that live off the tall trees and get into the foliage by the regular flooding - cool concept.


Ok so its a pirate or a rebel base and we've pissed them out, I hope that the defenses are good enough to contain them.

Killer Space crabs! I was not expecting that exactly...

Well, gave it my best shot! Good luck to everyone still in the race!

Curses. I have a feeling Shen would have changed things but I made the conscious choice of Eliza over him.
It was fun while it lasted!
Looking forward to reading the end.

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@palasatenea has done extraordinarily well so far, but I fear he doesn't have the firepower or combat experience to deal with the nasty bunch on the crashed Mymidon Assault Transport. It will have had up to 17 officers, crew and passengers and they sound like a pretty mean lot by the way they finished off poor @slabakbg, even with a battle trained socialite. Hopefully most of them died in the crash or Ayumi can created an alliance with them.

Good luck everyone for the final two rounds.