Exode - H24 planetary challenge; Science Extravaganza

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago

Hello all, my first post on Hive and my entry into the first planetary challenge for the Exode Game. I will use digital-wisdoms excellent format which I find most instructive.

My goals will be to build a self-sustaining colony through using science and planet-side exploration to solve the main obstacles. At the same time there are aliens nearby which must be taken into considerations - which I will address in a purely defensive manner, ideally I will avoid them if possible.

I will only use cards available in my deck and I will try to focus on the main problems; if I try to bring equipment and people for all type of issues, I may not solve the most important ones.

Analysis & Goals

  1. Scarce Food, but plants and bio materials available - First priority for science will be to work with planet-side resources and brought equipment
  2. Breathable air, People can survive outside without life support. Thick atmosphere also indicates that gas can be extracted and worked (hello oxygen crystals) - Second priority for science to enable energy production in WHC units (beyond 25 days) or through other means
  3. Drinkable water, available for consumption, also available as a resource for science. Most crew and passengers should be available to collect water at point of landing
  4. Aliens present on adjacent planet - Try to avoid activities that can draw attention such as space exploration or use of communication devices.
  5. Research a solution for habitats for all crew and passengers - This will be the third science question. Since it is lower priority it may cause some problems with happiness in the colony and will need to be addressed.
  6. Defensive means necessary
  7. Need an energy buffer - Try to bring as much fuel as possible in EVAC
  8. Become an elite science colony

Origin & Starship

  1. Science Origin
  2. "Orwell 1" space ship
  3. Cruiser task force and 4xstarsyste garrison


The idea here is to try and leverage the science synergy bonus as far as possible with the crew and passengers. The ship is a good fit for a peaceful colony. With 3 Officers, crews and 4 passengers it brings in total 14 people, which is plenty of potential, but also a challenge, as 14 food, water and habitat will be needed. The museum will be very useful for keeping the colony happy during adverse (lack of habitat) conditions, as long as it is in good condition after landing (need to bring pilot and means to repair). Being an ark vessel will also allow 4 plants or wildlife to be brought along - Useful for science and/or starting food production.

The cruiser task force and the starsystem garrisons will help to buy some time during EVAC. I do not expect wonders out of them, just a little extra time for loading more fuel.



Pretty standard science setup here, one officer for science, one for exploration and one for preservation of plants from the planet. I am also bringing as any science suits along for the science bonus, hence the "Lonestar" suit to be equipped by the preservation officer. Also of note will be the exploration officer that will help locate crew during EVAC with the investigation and speed skills. All three are scientific and will receive the synergy bonus from origin (for scientific and planet side, the research officer also get the bonus for science [maybe also the suit?]).


  1. Civilian pilot + Universal fixer suit
  2. Security Guard + Eisen Suit - Arctic Edition + Explanator (Elite) + Party Ammo
  3. Maintenance Staff + Universal fixer suit + Explanator + Defensive ammo
  4. Space Bioscientist
  5. Xeno Analyst
  6. Lab Scientist
  7. Animal Handler


The support trio, is probably the weaker part of the build since they are all QL2. The roles they offer will be important though, and hopefully the extra equipment help them out. The fixer suits for the pilot and the maintenance crew will allow both to do repairs (some redundancy is good) both in space and also after landing (to keep the ship museum in good quality). The pilot will also be important for a good landing. The security guards primary purpose is to guard during evac. In the colony he will be part of the exploration crew or as guard, and the arctic suit will be able to do some atmospheric scans, which may be useful for the science endeavors. His light weight armor and elite weapon will substantially improve his defense ability. The extra shotgun and ammo for the maintenance worker is just some extra redundancy - I do not expect him to use them very much.


This is the crew that will be part of the laboratory / science team (bio scientist, lab scientist) and on the other hand part of the exploration team (Xeno analyst / animal handler). The animal handler was the wildcard here; I had initially decided to bring the space surgeon for the medical skill, but preferred to gain access to the origin synergy (and improved QL) and the museum bonus with a little less medical skill.



Here I am planning to bring 3 science students. The fourth spot I will reserve for a random person from the space station during EVAC, to have a chance at some unexpected bonus. Since all science students are scientific they will gain the synergy bonus from the origin. With 25% chance of being QL 3-5 I hope to gain at least one high QL colony ember out of this bunch.

Equipment Slot


The ship only have 1 equipment slot, so I had to choose carefully. But after trading my elite communication array for these elite science suits, the choice got easier. I believe these 3 suits will yield a massive science bonus to the colony teams, that will help during research (and hopefully when out exploring. Either passengers or crew will use them, wherever they are of the most use. The downside of the heavy weight will be mitigated by moving around in an explorator.

Cargo Slots (7 slots)

  1. X-Gen TR20 - Elite
  2. WHC Unit
  3. WHC Unit
  4. Foodie Moodie
  5. Foodie Moodie
  6. Foodie Moodie
  7. Preservation Dome
  8. AA / AT Automatic Turret
  9. Lab Equipment
  10. TOM customs - Elite
  11. Security Drone
  12. TOM explorator X4
  13. "Pick from Station"
  14. "Pick from Station"


Food & Water

So this part was very difficult to put together with any competing objectives. With 7 foodies, I plan to upgrade all 3, and hopefully will give me around 12 food, so still short 2 food per day. WHC units will produce 10 water per day so short 4 there. Water I do not expect will be an issue but food. I hope to find some extra food during EVAC in 2 of the 2 crates I will bring, which will buy some time. If not, maybe it is possible to scavenge for a little food on the planet. Third option is that I do not find all crew during EVAC and thus balance on food, but this is not an ideal option.


I am not sure how much energy the Elite TR-20 will yield, but assuming 2 I have 6 energy to use in the beginning. This will not power everything, but my idea is to gain a buffer by focusing on fuel during EVAC. I will only load 2 cargo and max 1 passenger, the rest of the time I will find the crew and load cargo. On planet I will start up the foodies immediately and the tom custom and possibly the lab equipment. The idea is to try to build a surplus of food and water early during the colony before any confrontations. This will need some time for the science to work its magic. Then either a breakthrough happen on energy research (or oxygen crystals for the WHC to continue working), or we need to switch off food production (and live on the surplus) while activating the defense).


The AA / AT will provide a powerful defense to the main colony, but needs 5 energy to work. I have enough to upgrade it 2 times, which can be used to lower energy need to 3. The security drone will require a massive 24 energy to run all the time, but has the advantages of being able to support the exploration crew. I only expect to keep it active during limited times when need or under threat.

Research & Habitat

The elite TOM custom will have enough space for the laboratory and hopefully will be possible to use for habitat as well (not sure if dual use is possible). Habitat will be an issue for the colony in the beginning, but hopefully the museum and some happy soda from the foodies will keep the colonists in a good mood while building more habitats. In the meantime most will have to live in the ship or in rough shelter outside.

The preservation dome will be used to host the samples from the ark and also what can be collected from the planet. The life support is provided from the WHC units,


The Explorator will be able to bring 4 crew around for the exploration with a assive speed of 6 even if equipped in heavy science suits. It does not require energy and can load any cargo found

2 free cargo from station

Here I hope to find some food stockpile

This is it from my side. I am looking forward to hearing your feedback and a nice competition!


Why the Animal Handler on a planet with no animal life?

Good reading, about the setup seems good (I am not an expert yet) but will take some ideas when doing my Scientific Journey.

I admit, I was starting to get worried that I'd be the only science build for this contest! Its good to see someone else believes knowledge is power ;)

Its also encouraging that we made some of the same choices!

Best of luck to you!

I consider mine a science build even if it doesn't have a Scientific Origin. I'm doing both Research & Exploration.

Knowledge is indeed power!

Fair enough! :)

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