Dark Army Raid Result

in EXODE Pilots5 years ago (edited)

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The Dark Army's Special Infiltration Agent had been busy this week, You didn't know her name or alias and if you did it would have been one of many used. With her scientific knowledge and charisma, she was able to join the base the week before as part of a work transport. The agent had joined a group of scientists to help complete the latest research projects at the moon base. During transit, she met a young science student who seemed happy to talk and gossip about the team and the base.

It was early morning and the agent had no problem accessing the control room and disabling the Orbital Shield as well as radar and communication systems.
Her job was done and in the next few minutes, her transport of this rock would be here.

The Kormen cargo ship slowly descended to the landing bay that was now visible on the moonbase surface. As the cargo ship landed on the dock a hidden rockface opened up to reveal a descending passage. The cargo doors of the ship opened up and the crew started to unload its cargo.

The Black Lotus had remained cloaked during this time and with the bases detection systems down now was the time to make an appearance. The Lotus swiftly landed 20ft from the cargo ship, the crew of the cargo ship looked up in surprise as the crew of the Lotus swiftly surrounded them. The crew of the Lotus were well armed and equipped and cargo ships crew were still in shock at their sudden arrival. The cargo ship's crew had little interest or chance of fighting and surrendered and proceeded to unload their cargo into the Lotus.

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However the base its self was not entirely undefended a Security officer and two guards emerged from the rockface entrance.
Stug grinned to himself as he saw the new arrivals and the sight of Stug seemed to unnerve one of the guards who now shot wildly at Stug. Stug rolled behind some of the unloaded crates and easily avoided the wild and ragged shots.
Stug had been waiting to test out his new toy as he reached for the galactic peacemaker. Shug roared 'Is that all you got!' as he appeared and the peacemaker came to life. The first guard who had been trying to shoot Stug didn't stand a chance and ended up as a bloody heap to the left of the rockface entrance. The second guard had enough sense to dive for cover behind some rocks to the right of the entrance.
The security officer retreated down the entrance firing his Reckatron Judgement Day as he backed away. Now he might have put up a good fight from this position if the Special Infiltration Agent hadn't appeared behind him.
'Good Morning' she said as the officer looked around confused, and that was the last morning he ever did see as the Good Morning sidearm fired into him.

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Now the last guard remained crouched behind the rocks at the entrance. Suddenly a figure appeared and seemed to move at lightning speed, It was the captain of the Black Lotus wearing a Spartan Elite suit. The guard started to raise his gun at the captain, The captain spun and kicked knocking the gun out of the guards right hand. He then swiftly upper-cut the guard knocking him out with the force of the hit.
The captain said 'funs over back to business' The crew of the Lotus looted the underground base and the cargo of the Kormen and as the last items were brought out the captain took off his helmet for closer inspection. The Captin was, in fact, the legendary Captain Palasatenea who some thought had died during the alien invasions. The captain smiled as he inspected the Mysterious Robot


Well done Captain!



I will take first card. Love it.


If you can find Elindos, He will reward you! @exodenews @exodegame

Wow ty very much to the Dark Army's captains especially to @nockzonk for writing this fantastic post and to @jacobpeacock for the organization of the raid. 😄

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