Understanding how Justin Sun and Tron works

in Tron on Steem5 years ago (edited)

I want my fellow Steemians to understand what this short video represents.

It's a video press release, it's structured like a press release. I'm sure if I go searching there is a matching press release to this up on Tron's site somewhere but I don't want to.

Don't look at this with developer eyes, don't worry they didn't say everything just right or explain every detail of Steem, they made this sound exciting and gave it a big fire up the butt to get press and others excited that something is happening.

This is what I haven't seen happen with Steem in all the time I've been posting here so bravo to @justinsunsteemit because it's obvious he has a well oiled machine for generating this kind of slick PR content. It's not enough to build the best blockchain tech in the world, if you don't let people know about it, it will fail.

UPDATE: As I expected the text of the video is also a simple press release almost word for word. That's on Business Wire. I notice that the video has been down thumbed on YouTube and there are plenty of hostile comments from Steemians. I only wish people would understand that a hostile combative tone at this point isn't going to help and might just hurt what could be a very good partnership for all of us.


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Good points, Brian.

We must grasp the opportunity with positivity.

Esto pude servir para aquellos cuyo idioma nativo es el inglés. Creo que puedes publiacar por escrito tus impresiones y así poder llegar a más gente que necesitan traducir. ¿Qué opinas?