in OnChainArt5 years ago

EMERGE - abisai
Hello everyone

It's been a while since I posted a picture that I made. This time, I posted a picture that I still made using the same tools and styles (because I still need to learn a lot of other drawing styles) with my previous posts. I gave this picture the title EMERGE.

Alright, here's a picture that I made, hopefully it can be enjoyed, stay safe, and Cheers!
Here's the grayscale version
EMERGE (grayscale) - abisai
Here's the outline only
EMERGE (outline) - abisai
And here's the original sketch
EMERGE (original) - abisai


Wow, cool haha. <3

Thank you soooo much! 😍

👋 Hi @abisai, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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