
I don't scam people but I can show you people scamming people on Instagram and I do talk about that on my Oatmeal Daily blog and other articles I mention many things and I write so much all day long, very long boring articles and posts and videos and more, I write very long for the last 20 years especially, that is since the early 2000s and it is well documented and more.

The 20 HBD bet you didn't pay up on Trump winning says otherwise.

Trump got more votes, the audit in Arizona is live right now, I can give you some links to that, some live feeds via some websites. I said Trump would get more votes but I also said they would say Biden won regardless of who actually got more votes. I can show you posts I published going at least to August of 2020 and some things before that even including a famous article I wrote early in 2020 talking about how the real race was between Trump and Covid and not Trump versus whoever would face him. It ended up being Biden and I was thinking Bernie Sanders was more popular which is true since Bernie Sanders was even more popular than Hillary Clinton in 2016. Stop The Steal.

Who are you on insta? I mean @lifeofsarahlouise