C A L M | 落ち着いて

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Hi #hive @onchainart ! World full of troubles, Best thing to do is to go high and away from everyone else, Calm project represents my thoughts on how things are going now, Covid has made things difficult for us and with many rules regarding mixing with people, Staying away sounds like the key to survive....


Calm is what everyone needs sometimes, Being away and having your own privet space and time, Without wondering what's going to happen next or what people think or feel.

Sometimes we get trapped in every day's trouble and forget to have some breaktime and that might cause some issues later on and makes you always overthink so this is my message to you to remind you that work can wait ! and always make sure to look out for your self, Specially mentally.



  • Scene Breakdown

I started by setting up my camera focus on the treehouse and the girl, After that I placed extra trees for more CG depth feel.

After that I started planting my elements, I used Ivy Generator to create the climbing leaves and vines, As for the flowers and greenery I used Maya paint FX.

I wanted to have a natural look with lots of details, And keep a happy vibe and colors.



  • Tree Look Development

I wanted to try a different look for the tree, I wanted to do a stylized texture so I used Maya procedural textures, What I love about these procedurals is that no matter far or a close camera you got it will never look low quality or pixelated in render.


I used the same nodes for color and for my displacement map as well, I created the displacement map first in black and white colors, Then once I was happy with the results I added the colors, You can also add textures if you want more realistic look.



  • Render Layers

I rendered few passes for my final composite, Separating the FG and BG game me more control for play around with colors more.


This NFT is up for sale, 1 Rare edition comes with cool unlockable contents :

  1. Full Resolution Render Image.
  2. Lighting Setup and Image Of Lighting Breakdown
  3. Complete Maya Project With Textures And Shaders
  4. Lighting Will Be Included Inside Maya Project, For Personal And Commercial Use.


NFT Link Can Be Found Here :




For more work's Feel free to go through my works on Vimeo

https://vimeo.com/ahmadturki https://www.artstation.com/ahmadturki

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I really enjoyed your development processes of this work. You did a good job.

 4 years ago  

thank you my friend ! happy you liked it <3