Hello #hive @onchainart once again !
1 Hour fun work !
This one for my father, He was always been a fan of Tetris, Always playing on his gameboy for hours and hours non stop !, So i wanted to create something related and quick.
I wanted to create something quick and simple, Couple of blocks laying on the ground with the master Gameboy as the big boss !
Direct lighting coming from the screen to make the overall look very dramatic and edgy.
For my lighting set up i tried to keep things pretty straight forward, Direct lighting from the gameboy screen with some fill lighting to clear up any harsh shadows.
Software used : MAYA - Redshift - Photoshop
https://vimeo.com/ahmadturki https://www.artstation.com/ahmadturki
Very cool, I think I have that astronaut model too, but haven’t used it for anything.
haha yeah same ! been having it for a while now, Thought of create something quick and include him in to, I am thinking to use him in another project, Space related but trying to gather my ideas :)
Superbe !
Thank you my friend :)
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