Experiments and Variations: Serpent Stones

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Sometime back, I was commissioned to create some "serpent stones."

I typically avoid special commissions because people see that I "paint on rocks" and then tend to completely disregard the kind of work they see me do and ask me to do figurative motifs and I'm only really good at geometric styles.

One of the first "Serpernt Stones" from 2018

“Can you paint my cat on this stone?” they'll ask me.

No. No, I'm sorry, I don't do figurative drawings I only do mandalas and geometrically inspired drawings.

However, I did decide to make an exception to explore the snake design because it is such an integral part of tribal designs and mythology for thousands of years, and I have experimented with Viking/Nordic styles in the past, based loosely on Viking-era carvings I have seen in museums and elsewhere.

Experimenting with color...

All I had to go by was their spoken description based on a photograph of an ancient stone carving they had seen.

The serpent, or snake, is actually one of the world’s oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. It also features prominently in my own Nordic heritage in the form of the "Midgårdsorm" (in English, often referred to as the Ouroboros), an enormous serpent found in the Great Ocean, wrapped all the way around Midgård itself. It is so long it encircles the world and bites its own tail.

It doesn't HAVE to be colors found in nature...

The serpent, as a symbol, has many meanings ranging from being the embodiment of both good and evil in one being, to symbolizing fertility and the creative lifeforce. Because snakes shed their skin, they are also associated with transformation, rebirth, renewal, healing and immortality.

Thankfully, the client was quite happy with the design and chose one of four "experimental" pieces I made. Personally, I think they are a bit simplistic and child-like, but since people in general seem to like them, I still occasionally make a few.

I will probably continue to develop this idea, also because I am very find of spirals.

Thanks for stopping by and having a look!


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