2021 Art recap, PT 1 (7 stories), By Alejandra Her

in OnChainArt3 years ago


With the end of January, it's a bit strange that I say Happy New Year. So I'm just going to wish you that so far this month you haven't given up on your resolutions for 2022.

First of all, I want to tell you that 2021 was great in many aspects of my life, and I am very happy and proud of all the wonderful things that happened to me. When I say wonderful, I also mean those inevitable sad things, because we know that big changes are not always made of good news.

This is how my year 2021 goes. I remember when I started as a blogger on steemit and then on hive, several years ago. I published my sketches and art in the simplest ways, with the tools I had at hand, often the cheapest ones. Those who make traditional art know how frustrating it can be not to have the right paper, because this means that the results are not what we expect.

But my main motivation was actually knowing that I was part of a community with similar interests. It is difficult to feel part of a group on a day-to-day basis, when you have to solve all the problems that arise: family, personal, work. However, this blog allowed me to find that place and meet wonderful people that I consider my friends today, and I began the year 2021 determined to give myself totally to creating works with my own concepts, that is how I quit the job as an editorial illustrator of children's books and educational magazines.

Although I loved these works, it is difficult to dedicate time to it and at the same time to your own art. It was necessary for me to find my own way of saying things, not only through graphic creation, but also through the poetry and narrative descriptions in my artworks.

That's how I created these stories, 7 stories about me, but also about all the people I've met. There are 7 shared stories, like our memory, full of hidden metaphors.

I love mystery, and this is my way of saying exactly what I want to say, and that those who feel identified with my work will understand it in the same way.

These seven stories were minted as NFT's on the Rarible platform, and were sold out within a few days after minting.

SOLD OUT-01.png

Receiving recognition for your work, and fair compensation for it, is one of the most wonderful things that can happen to a person. When you are an artist you are often told that your work will have value in a long time, when you die perhaps. But we know that NFTs are changing
that, and I'm proud to be a part of it.

These ones are particularly special, because the lineart of them is drawn with pencil.

I'll share these 7 stories and its metaphors in the next posts.

Meanwhile, enjoy them, and find your own stories on them.

My links



Illustrations and review By ©Alejandra Her


Great work! Inspired!!

Thank you so much!

Olã! ^-^

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your words here and in your other two posts =) .. I'm reminded that, as much as we know and love each other deeply, there will always be parts of us that we can still discover about each other, as we grow and change.

I can relate, as you know, to 2021 being a crazy, deeply important and ultimately incredible year. So much joy, sorrow, elation and frustration both before and after we met. I am grateful for every moment that has lead me here.

As for blogging, I found the same thing... A community of interesting people, many of whom became friends. Reflecting now though, I realise I have lost touch with most of them, and it makes me think of my life/friends in general. It seems I have unconsciously developed being able to easily let go of attachments because, I think, of all the moving I've done since a very young age.. I think I now want to change this about myself (new sequel!), but not sure how/if I can.

And yes, it truly is wonderful having one's talent recognised with both esteem and money! .. I look at your work and feel such pride and admiration, even more so since getting to know you and understanding from where it all takes root. And after reading your post about Story #7, I am even happier that I own it <3

Welcome to hive! and welcome back to blogging. This experience is going to be amazing and I can't wait to get to know you better this way. You have a lot of things to show about yourself, your poetry and your art. It's great to see you around.

Much love.