Below I leave the speedpaint, have a good day and I hope you like it a lot, we love you
♡Las imagines son de mi propiedad fueron tomadas con un redmi note 8 no autorizo a nadie a utilizar sin el consentimiento de mi padres, uso del traductor google.
The images are my property, they were taken with a redmi note 8, I do not authorize anyone to use them without the consent of my parents, use of the google translator.
♡Las herramientas que use dentro de la app fueron:
•Pincel lápiz
•Aerógrafo digital de app Ibis Paint X.
The tools I used within the app were:
• Pencil brush
• Digital airbrush from Ibis Paint X app.
♡Gracias por visitar mi blog, comenta y recomiéndame el diseño que más te gustaría ver que realizara a un personaje.
Thank you for visiting my blog, comment and recommend the design that you would most like to see me make for a character.