Into the woods.

in OnChainArt5 years ago


Greetings, today I present a work of those that I like a lot for its dark and magical style, to make this portrait I was practicing some poses and I wanted his gaze to be upward, I had the image in my mind and that's how I captured it. However, I would like to read opinions, I would love to know what this look transmits to you.

Saludos, hoy les presento un trabajo de esos que me gustan mucho por su estilo oscuro y mágico, para realizar este retrato estuve practicando algunas poses y quería que su mirada fuera hacia arriba, tenia la imagen en mi mente y así fue como la plasme.
Sin embargo me gustaría leer opiniones, me encantaría saber que les transmite esta mirada a ustedes.

Process / Proceso.

To start my adventure, I made the sketch, highlighted the lines so that they would be cleaner and began to paint, I chose a range of blue colors, I feel that this color gives me a peace to draw and I love the tones that I could achieve using different effects After he painted all her skin, he proceeded to add color to the roses, at first they would be red roses, but I tried it and I did not like how it looked, so I opted for some dark blue roses, to which I was adding some of light and shadow.

Para comenzar mi aventura, realice el boceto, resalte las lineas para que quedaran mas limpias y comencé a pintar, elegí una gama de colores azules, siento que este color me da una paz para dibujar y me encanta los tonos que pude lograr usando distintos efectos, después de que pinte toda su piel procedí a añadir color a las rosas, al principio serian rosas rojas, pero lo probé y no me gusto como se veía, así que opte por unas rosas azul oscuro, a las cuales les fui agregando algo de luz y sombra.

It was time to add color to her clothes and hair, I chose a black color for her hair since it is my favorite color, her lips looked quite sensual in this same color as well as the tears in black give it an even darker touch and terrifying, I began to put more light details in some areas as well as the hair, the moon on his forehead and parts of the face for the background I chose a slightly lighter blue which I was combining with other darker ones to degrade between them, I added a little texture on the skin and finally it occurred to me to draw some background branches to make it look as if it were testing in a forest, really explaining it is easy but the process took several hours to achieve this result.

Era momento de agregar color a su ropa y al cabello, elegí un color negro para su cabello ya que es mi color favorito, sus labios se veían bastante sensuales de este mismo color así como también las lagrimas en negro le dan un toque aun mas oscuro y terrorífico, comencé a poner mas detalles de luz en algunas zonas así como el cabello, la luna en su frente y partes del rostro para el fondo elegí un azul algo mas claro el cual fui combinando con otros mas oscuros para degradarlos entre ellos, agregue un poco de textura en la piel y finalmente se me ocurrió dibujar algunas ramas de fondo para que luciera como si estuviese en un bosque, realmente explicarlo es fácil pero el proceso duro varias horas para poder lograr este resultado.

Complete process / Proceso completo.

The materials i used were:

  • Medibang Paint Pro
  • huion h610 pro v2

Los materiales que usé fueron:

  • Medibang Paint Pro
  • huion h610 pro v2



The blue roses definitely worked much better, red might have stood out too much 🙃 love you how you rendered the hair.

this drawing is quite successful!

This is very nice pic ;)

I like it.

Wow I love the blurring in the eyes. The rest is completely cool, I want to try it one day with that kind of eye blur. It is fantastic.

Hauntingly beautiful, nice piece!