Beautiful painting! I like, that there's always a story with it <3 Are the different paintings of that series connected via the stories?
So cool, that you were able to buy that graphic tablet with nft earnings! I'm drawing on a very old wacom, that I got second hand from a friend. It works fine still and I'm happy that I have it, but I'm dreaming of someday being able to get one of those, that I don't have to link to my laptop :-)
Thank you! So far the paintings are standalone :) They're sort of diaries in fictional form. However, I'd love to work on a more cohesive story in the future.
The Cintiq is linked to my PC, if you want a link free tablet, a lot of artists recommend Ipads, but the biggest one is much smaller I believe :)
Yeah, you're definitely also a good writer, apart from being a painter :-)
But you can see what you're drawing directly on the tablet, don't you? I have mine on my lab and see what I'm painting on my laptop. That has its advantages as well, I don't have to bend my neck all the time for example ^^
Yes, I can see what I'm drawing :) I used to use Wacom Bamboo one and look at the monitor as well.