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oil on canvas

The ancient tower - oil on canvas
Hello everyone dear Hivers friends and welcome back to my blog. Today I don't share watercolors but one of my oil paintings on canvas. The subject is a classic romantic landscape, with an ancient tower and a bridge connected to it. Through the colors and the pictorial technique I tried to integrate the ancient architectures with the landscape.
I created a tonal color base made from the range of oranges and reds to create a very warm landscape. Even the fronds of the trees have the influence of warm colors, such as yellow ocher and burnt sienna.
I painted all the backlighting at the bottom of the picture rigorously with dark tones, from brown to sepia and Bruno van Dick, mixed with amaranth red and Indian red.
As in the best Impressionist tradition I didn't use black!
I hope you like my painting and I send you a hug in red.
La torre antica - olio su tela
Ciao a tutti cari amici Hivers e ben tornati sul mio blog. Oggi non condivido acquarelli ma un mio dipinto ad olio su tela. Il soggetto è un classico paesaggio romantico, con una antica torre ed un ponte collegato ad essa. Attraverso i colori e la tecnica pittorica ho cercato di integrare le architetture antiche con il paesaggio.
Ho creato una base di colore tonale fatto dalla gamma dell'arancione e dei rossi in modo da realizzare un paesaggio molto caldo. Anche le fronde degli alberi hanno l'influsso dei colori caldi, come il giallo ocra e terra di Siena bruciata.
Tutti i controluce realizzati in basso del quadro li ho dipinti rigorosamente con toni scuri, dal marrone, al seppia e al Bruno van Dick, mescolati con rosso amaranto e rosso indiano. Come nella migliore tradizione impressionista non ho usato il nero!
Spero che il mio quadro vi piaccia e vi mando un abbraccio in rosso.
There is something appealing about this particular painting, but I can't say what it is exactly. The orange is definitely fascinating without screaming at the viewer. If you permit me, I would like to use your painting as my guide for a study in one of "my" media. Well done! (Abbraccio arancione.)
you can do with me what you want hahaha, abbraccio libero.
Howdy @armandosodano! I liked how you made the depth of the landscape, very cool shadows on the trees and on the arch of the tower, the mountain behind it looks so natural, I liked how you emphasized the details of the composition. In general, the canvas is pleasing to the eye, everything is balanced in shades. Once I tried to paint with oil paints and I understand how difficult it is to work with them, it takes a lot of time and experience, thanks for your work. Art is our everything!
Thanks to you for the in-depth comment, a hug and long live the ARTS.
This is a great piece of , especially love the way you painted the trees and the colours blended in well..💯❣️❣️❣️
thank you so much i m glad you liked.
Molto bello, è interessante come il castello sia proprio dentro l'ambiente circostante diventanto una cosa sola con gli elementi naturali
Honestly ! Art is life !! I find so much inspiration in any art work i lay my eyes on and this art piece of yours isn’t an exception. More power to your elbow!! Keep it up!!
wow wow wow... so much beautiful! amazing!!!!
thank you so much.
gorgeous painting