Hello, I am the colour white and I am here to talk about the chromatic world.
chromatic world, I have been with men since the beginning of time, when they
when they were running around the mountains chasing prey to feed themselves, at some point they would
to be able to feed themselves, at some point they would look up and
there I was in the clouds, in the snow or in the morning landscape to greet the new day.
to greet the new day. Later on, Aristotle, many years
before Jesus Christ, in the sixth century, said that there were four
colours; earth, water, fire and sky, literally leaving me with no place in his theory of colour, but
literally leaving me with no place in his theory of colour, which didn't matter to me, since I knew that another
I knew that another was the reality.
Hola, yo soy el color blanco y estoy aquí para hablar del mundo
cromático, he acompañado a los hombres desde el principio de los
tiempos, cuando correteaban por los montes persiguiendo una presa
para poder alimentarse, en algún momento levantaban la mirada y
allí estaba yo en la nubes, en la nieve o en la mañana del paisaje
para saludar al nuevo día. Más tarde Aristóteles, muchos años
antes de Jesucristo, en el siglo VI, dijo que habían cuatro
colores; tierra, agua, el fuego y el cielo, dejándome literalmente
sin lugar en su teoría del color, cosa que no me importó, puesto
que yo sabía que otra era la realidad.
However, in the 16th century Leonardo Da Vinci, affirms that all bodies have their particular colour.
bodies have their own particular colour, recognising that what Aristotle said was true, as far as
Aristotle said was true, as far as my body was concerned, that I received the other colours
received the rest of the colours and that these were more vivid or paler, according to their intensity.
pale, according to their intensity.
Sin embargo, en el siglo XVI Leonardo Da Vinci, afirma que todos
los cuerpos tienen su color particular, reconociendo que lo que
decía Aristóteles era cierto, en cuanto a mi establece, que yo
recibía al resto de los colores y que estos eran más vivos o más
pálidos, según su intensidad.
A century after the great Leonardo, i.e. in the 17th century, the English philosopher and mathematician Isaac Newton
English philosopher and mathematician Isaac Newton passed a beam of white light through a prism and for the
through a prism and for the first time it was possible to see for the first time how it
could see how it divided me into different colours, and he concluded that I harboured a universe of
harboured a universe of chromatic possibilities. But it doesn't stop there.
stops there. To prove his theory, he passed the same ray through another prism and I emerged triumphant.
another prism, I emerged triumphant on the other side
Un siglo después del gran Leonardo, es decir en el siglo XVII, el
filósofo y matemático inglés, Isaac Newton hace pasar un rayo de
luz blanca, a través de un prisma y por primera vez se pudo
apreciar cómo me dividía en distintos colores, y concluye que yo
albergaba un universo de posibilidades cromáticas. Pero la cosa no
para allí. Para demostrar su teoría, hizo pasar el mismo rayo por
otro prisma surgí triunfante del otro lado, en una inmaculada luz
Well, so far so good, later on I will continue to talk about
the theory of colour and its incidence in the life of men,
good bye.
Bueno hasta aquí por ahora, más adelante les seguiré hablando de
la teoría del color y su incidencia en la vida de los hombres,
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Twitter: @LaKeNoSePeina❤️
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