I bought these two blues ...
a Prussian blue hue
and Phthalocyanine blue green shade
(why does it sound like a poison ??)
I was not disappointed.
they are glorious :)
And yes, when I am asked for too many things.
I imagine myself there.
social interactions are highly overrated ...
And that was a terrible poem ...
Ink, charcoal and water on paper
Ooooo I love those blues.
Also love cobalt.
My absolute favorite, though, and I don't know if they make it in watercolor, but probably, is dioxazine purple. Not blue, but, you know, offspring of blue.
I looked up the purple .. it looks like they have it watercolor .. you are right ..it is beautiful ..:) and they do have it in watercolor - they call in Winsor Violet..I have to get one :D
Yay!!! It's so amazing. I love to use it in acrylics instead of black. And the various shades you can get blending it with white are hypnotic. Please please tag me if you post a painting with it, I don't want to miss it!
I haven't painted in a bit, but now I'm feeling nostalgic for my dio purple...
Haha .. I know the feeling ... I had not touched paint for almost 10 years with kids and moving countries .. it is this incessant feeling at the back of your brain that you need to do something about it ... I hope you do paint something soon :)