The mirror of the kingdom 👑

in OnChainArt • last year

Find your inner mirror and ask for what you want most! Your sisu will be twice as determined, that is, your willpower reaches things never before seen by the human eye.

Final illustration

  • Box one

  • Once upon a time there was a far away kingdom where mirrors had a special power. It was said that if you looked into one of these magical mirrors, you could see your true self, your deepest dreams and desires.

  • Box two

  • The queen of the kingdom, a wise and kind woman, had a magic mirror in her palace. Every day she stood in front of him and looked at herself carefully, seeking answers to her most important questions. Her mirror showed him visions of her kingdom, her subjects, and her own desires.

    • Box three

    • One day, a young adventurer came to the kingdom in search of fortune and fame. He heard about magic mirrors and decided he wanted to see his own. The queen, upon learning of his desire, invited him to her palace and showed him the magic mirror. The young man looked in the mirror and saw his deepest dreams reflected in it. He realized that what he really wanted in life was to find love and happiness, instead of fame and fortune.

    • Box four

    • From that moment on, the young man decided to stay in the kingdom and look for his true love. Eventually, he met a beautiful young woman who had also seen her true self in a magic mirror. They fell in love and lived happily ever after.

    • Box five

    • The story of magic mirrors spread throughout the kingdom, and people began to use them to discover their true desires and goals in life. Magic mirrors became a powerful tool for self-knowledge and personal growth.

    • Box six

    • And so, magic mirrors became a symbol of wisdom and truth in the kingdom, and people learned to look at themselves in them with attention and humility, always seeking the truth in their own reflection.

    • Box seven

    Always expect the best from yourself and do not doubt what you can achieve, you are the protagonist of this story that is happening in real life.

    For more illustrations visit: Atefelinoo