Painting as a motto for all life

in OnChainArt3 years ago


Once, about 10 years ago, I was riding in an evening minibus. Life was depriving me with renewed vigor, mumbling dissatisfied people around me aroused love in me, and I wished them happiness.
Someone stepped on my foot and stared at my bare feet and nailed down with street dust, and half the bus stared on me.

Well, what can you do - few people understand this spectacle, but to explain to everyone that having lived from spring to summer in nature, I always walked barefoot. And when autumn came and I had to move to the city, I really didn’t want to put on shoes. And I didn’t see the point in wearing shoes, because the bare foot brings you closer to the earth, to nature and to yourself, that one is simply useful.
Everything else about the fungus and foot injuries did not scare me, and between everything that was said, neither the first nor the second happened to me.

In short, I liked walking barefoot. And public opinion has never deterred me.

And just in this minibus, among the noise and voices, I heard a fragment of someone's phrase. It sounded like “Shit doesn’t sink,” but I heard “Goodness doesn’t sink.”
I felt a warm response in my heart and immediately realized that I had to connect my life with this statement. After all, this is the same working law of karma!
Our low-frequency deeds do not dissolve without a trace, and high-vibration deeds always stay afloat.

Time passed, and gradually I got acquainted with this phrase, painting with it entrances, elevators, a board at the university, at home and gifts for friends.
Over time, the phrase has its own style and some recognition. It is with me now.
And for the first time I embodied it in painting.
In this picture, I combined two native and personal images - a sailboat, which I painted from early childhood, and this slogan "Good doesn't sink."



You are welcome!
Other our works will be posted on Hive: @artvik Instagram for my paintings:​


Love this personal story and art piece! Thanks for sharing it with us :^)

What a true saying! Although I confess, both good and bad will sooner or later manifest. It also happens that the good is not allowed to manifest and the bad is hidden yet. But are there good and bad at all? The answer is both yes and no. I’m not going to analyze the topic anymore, everyone has to find the answer within themselves.
About barefoot: no one was born in shoes! I really like to walk barefoot, even in winter I take off my boots and leave traces in the snow. Wearing bad shoes has distorted my feet since I was a child, my heel bones get inflamed many times and only the cold helps, of course only for a few minutes. I look forward to a warmer time when I can take longer distances or even full day hikes barefoot.

I loved reading about the inspiration behind the painting. I also follow the "barefoot" lifestyle. It truly grounds and connects you to nature. And stunning painting. The story behind the slogan is really nice and I like the slogan itself. Good deeds do indeed travel further!