omggg i'm so happy someone (you!!) actually noticed! and it's very interesting that you see it as relaxed, because truly, i was a lot more calmed down while working ont this. i've been rushing my drawings in the last few months that they came out with haphazard strokes, but i took my sweet time on this time and made the extra effor to make sure everything was a lot smoother. 💕
You know what they say about artists, what you draw reflects your mood and the fact that you admitted to a more relaxed mood proved it. I was pretty sure you had more down time when you made this UwU so you managed to refine it a lot more compared to the ones before Because this one really has more mood build up
omggg i'm so happy someone (you!!) actually noticed! and it's very interesting that you see it as relaxed, because truly, i was a lot more calmed down while working ont this. i've been rushing my drawings in the last few months that they came out with haphazard strokes, but i took my sweet time on this time and made the extra effor to make sure everything was a lot smoother. 💕
You know what they say about artists, what you draw reflects your mood and the fact that you admitted to a more relaxed mood proved it. I was pretty sure you had more down time when you made this UwU so you managed to refine it a lot more compared to the ones before Because this one really has more mood build up