He said, 'Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.'(Matthew 3:2)
Question from the Bible, What is the proper way of praying to God? [Part 3 of 3]
Watch the Video below to know the Answer...
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Yo,re wastin your money, you know that?
this comments... It would be more useful as toilet paper
Nobody gives a fuck
try sell drugs
be usefull
You're trying to kill me with your love?
That book you're citing - killed more people than coronavirus, you know?
Any big religion did.
I know you're a bot.
And this is even more sad. Or sadder if you will. That you trying to brainwash random pepople with no effort.
A tip:
If you suck some dick for free, you may get some followers instantly.
I don't wanna be rude, man but grow up. What do you have to offer really. Got some weeed?