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RE: Cunning, hedonistic & manipulative - say Hi! to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen || FanArt

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Have you seen Dune 2021, from Denis Villeneuve?
SO much more beautiful a film. Visually stunning, better flow and such a great story, true to Frank Herbert's.

Stellen Skarsgard was AMAZING as the Baron, too. You realyl captured the essence of the Baron Harkonnen here. WELL DONE!


Thank you @bluefinstudios for your comment!

Denis Villeneuve is one of my favourite directors after I've seen 'Sicario' for the very first time. I liked the landscapes, the music and costumes excluding few that was misunderstanding(like Reverend Mother Mohiam).

I love Scarsgard take on the Baron, he truly understand his essence as a character, and I really like this exoskeleton take on suspensors thing(attached to his spine), it really worked. But for me - way to much of Zendaya in it, and some of the cast choices was puzzling - Jason Mamoa especially seem to be complete random choice for such important role as Duncan Idaho :D

As to the plot - yeah, was fairly close to the books. What I am interesting in, is to see how they will manage to show deep desert Fremens with their leathery faces and blue eyes.

I am glad you liked my drawing! I hope to see you around soon!