A romping good time in Candy Fields!

in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

Romping and rolling; frolicking about. Llama and Cow are best friends, and love playing in the fun wonderland of Candy Fields together. They meet every night to play, for night is when the fields really light up with life. Gum drops & Lollipops pop up like weeds everywhere among the pink frosting that coats all you see. Rainbow moons brighten up the field for the friends playing. Bubble Bee's float about, bubbling along. Butterflies drink from candy apple plants. Its a sweet time out here frolicking together while getting coated in frosting. What fun!

Cowlpaca Candyland (15inx30in acrylic on canvas - completed 2020)



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(All work shown in this post is original, painted by Bree Like A Tree, and copyrighted)


Good to see you back!

thank you, it's good to be back! stepping away from all my social platforms for awhile was really good for me; but now I'm happy to be back and sharing all my happy art with everyone again! Thanks for sticking around in my absence <3

Breaks are necessary!

So crucial!!