Too many faces

in OnChainArt4 years ago


This is a work in progress but I felt like sharing a bit of the process. The above is pen and ink (G2 .5mm pen) drawing on top of a paper print out of this image:


The image above was created by applying a pen and ink style via neural network (deep style) to this image:


Which came from this lineage:


All from this original photograph:


As a bonus the same original photograph yielded this magic mirror:


Stay weird hive.

Too many faces.


I see a woman holdin an eye and eyes everywhere

There are more eyes than faces as I started out by making eyes and then started working on faces around the eyes. Here are 10 faces that I am working on bringing out, with more to come.
1: cartoony bulging eye face kinda like a homer simpson
2: weird cyborg raven face with a beak
3: human face reads like a male to me, two eyes, nose, mouth with tentacly strand coming out of mouth
4+5: furry wookie type faces (both with two eyes, nose and mouth)
6: Another furry wookie face but this one is hard to make out in this scan, much clearer in the pen and ink drawing (I did a real quick and dirty job of adjusting the levels in the scanned image and lost some details into darkness)
7: simple face but with an eye for a mouth
8: face in progress, just finished making the eye socket area around the left eye but haven't detailed it, still need to bring out the mouth and darken areas around the face to bring it out
9: warped slanted sideways face, the #9 is in the forehead with the two eyes below it to either side, the nose is warped but one nostril pretty clear, weird mouth lost a lot of detail in this scan, left ear is pretty clear
10: another weird warped slanted sideways face, the #10 is in the forehead, the right eye below is pretty clear, left eye is more warped, the nose is weird zig zag shape, mouth lost some detail in darkness in this scan.

I plan on working on a bunch more faces here, there are several eyes already developed and more to come.

Where was the woman you saw? Always interested in what other people see in this kind of drippy madness

I feel like your a changed eggplant. ❤️

well change is nothing to be afraid of. So sure why not. I like to think that I have not ossified into my final eggplant form yet.

Now you calling me sir!?!

That's cool, using various techniques for art creation. 😎 👏

Thanks, I have been having fun with this kind of back and forth collaboration with the AI/neural network style transfer on top of my photography, and combining with more traditional and digital art forms.

Usage of various techniques and collaborations should always be fun, at least for me. 😎

Cool! Very Lovecraftian :)

Awesome! Any time my work reads as Lovecraftian, that warms my heart cockles

This is too cool 😎

A interesting concept to draw over Deep Dream generated images. I did a lot of Deep Dream, but maybe I should try that too. Another friend of mine on Deviant Art, Bernard Dumaine, had painted Deep Dream when it first started. At that time, all it was the basic neural images.
Reblogged, and I also tweeted it on my Visionary Art Twitter:

These tweets are embedded on my Visionary Website.

That looks so much like a page from the berserk manga.

Hey cool I will definitely take that! Actually now that I am thinking about it one of those really dense pages from Berserk would probably yield awesome results as a style image for Deep Style transfer. I am going to mess around with that.