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RE: Virtues- Ascension, Innocence, Empathy

in OnChainArt4 years ago

These are really great! Thanks for sharing the process. I am currently working on a female figure and going to be coloring her purple like your Empathy. Seeing your process and the end result helped me a bit in my design with the tonal changes and quality. Working out how the light source would impact the hues was giving me some issues. I think seeing your image helped me connect the dots. Looks like Empathy stood up to her name and quality! Thanks Kristy! Keep up the great work.

 4 years ago  

Thank you so much!! And happy to share, it helps me reflect on the work as well, so I can hopefully make the next project even better <3 :D
I agree that hues and skin are tricky, your best bet is to try warmer hue for light and colder for shadows (try reversed for a more eerie effect). This will make your shading feel more natural, using only one hue makes skin feel flat and even sickly. Good luck, hope this helps ^_^

Yes, it has helped me a lot. The female i am doing is purple and i am coloring her digitally. When it comes to doing this on paper with color it comes natural... but doing it digitally is a challenge. Seeing the way you did the range on Empathy helped me see where my struggles were and how to hopefully correct them. =) THANK YOU =)