What an INCREDIBLE post, @exoexplorer !! The accumlative work is enormous - I love the enrichment of all your time and effort, in these elegant and stunning photos... Yes, multiple shapes... This reminds me of our adventures with snow when we were young, on my island in Scotland: making huge balls - trying to make the biggest snowball possible, then hollowing it out and sitting inside it... We were limited by how far downhill we could roll the snowball, gathering up layers as we rolled, because it was wild terrain! I love the elongated shapes, and am fascinated to see where you will go: I'd need to try myself to know what shapes might be possible - I'd be interested to see animations and movement in the shapes - even music or sound somehow incorporated... the elements that I love from your work most are the animation of sand falling - I love the photo above where the ball is sitting still, and clouds of thrown sand are falling behind it. Beautiful.
These days there’s a lot less snow.
I hadn’t thought of animating these sand globes - great idea! I’ll try it 🙂Thanks @clareartista 🙏🏼 I remember rolling huge snowballs as a kid at home - and we even built an igloo once.