Forest Fairy bodypainting

in OnChainArt5 years ago

This is my first "more than my face" bodypainting. I always loved to express myself through art and I must admit that the nerdy me kept a souvenir from this session: the bra. Yeah, you're probably smiling reading this, but I didn't want to wash it after all of the hours of work (5+ hours, I had a rough time in the shower washing this art off of my body 🚿) , I wanted to keep it as a memory from my first more vast bodypainting.

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When I will be old I will look at the bra laughing, knowing how fun my painting sessions were. Who knows, maybe I'll frame it and turn it into a weird work of art to give future generations something to laugh about😂🎨 Yeah, I'll be a cool funky grandma when I will show off this unwashed piece of bra covered by my art. Yeah, I will keep it unwashed for decades, I'm that proud of my first more complex bodyart 😂👀Hopefully I will find and keep a granpa just as cool as me and we'll both laugh about it. Anyway, let's get back to this bodypainting and see what it means.

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I imagined a lovely fairy. I named this Forest Fairy because it represents a magical creature roaming around in the woods, protecting the forest. I am a big admirer of nature and I always make time to recharge my batteries in the tranquility of the forest.

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I believe that we as humans need moments of silence. Moments of sitting alone with our thoughts and making sense of everything that happened to us. I love doing this kind of art because it allows my mind to wander. If trees could speak, I wonder what stories they would tell. If rocks would whisper, how many secrets would they reveal? We think that we are the master dominators of this Planet when actually, if you take a piece of rock in your hand, that is the confirmation of the fact that you've been here for far too little to pretend you know and control so much. A tree might outlive you and so will a rock.The tiny pebbles from a beach will be here long after you're gone and they've been here before you were born. Think about that. Rivers and waters carry along the legacy of the past. How many people walked on the same path as you ? What existed on your way to work 1000 years ago? Have you ever wondered? What's under your bed, under the concrete, under the soil, up to the Earth's core?

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The nature and this Earth are so vast I can't imagine having enough time to explore them. By foot and in my mind. To understand the value of the things you have around and take for granted is an important lesson to teach from an early age. We can all act like a Forest Fairy by the way we treat nature. Respecting Mother Earth as it is, standing in awe and admiration in front of a simple tree shows superior intelligence. We should understand the fact that we are mere visitors here and it's a sign of evolution to leave a place better than you've found it.

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P. S. Talking about the Universe... I just listened to this awesome podcast and my mind is just bathing in questions, ideas, visions. If you are into science, space stuff and you wonder about the meaning of life, then you'll love this as much as I did. This is music for the mind.

Have an awesome day and toodle loo!


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 5 years ago  

I usually don't like florescent colours in body painting but I love how you make them look tasteful. The yellow and pink around the eyes look stunning.

Hey! Thank you very much! I think they go very well in this one. I can agree with you on fluorescent colours, on some occasions it can have a kitch like vibe, quite disturbing for the eye.

I'm glad that you appreciate this artistic look 😊 Have a great weekend!


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Me encanta!!!!
You are taking your body painting to another level. I love it. The way you transmit your concept with your art is perfect.

Thanks so much! I'm so happy when I see that people appreciate my art, at the beginning I felt like a little weirdo doing all of this bodypainting. Now I'm proud of myself and I embrace this way of expressing my emotions.

And you are doing it wonderfully!

Thanks so much! Have a beautiful week!

😘 "Forest Fairy"
Absolutely Beautiful ...!!!!!

Thank you so much!

I kike the nature motif and some beautiful art here my friend.
Reminded me so much of nature's true colors.

Here is a Malachite in similar natural colors that I got on camera yesterday as a gift to you!

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Wow! This is so pretty! I really like your gift, your gesture of kindness makes me smile, you're such a nice person! I'm a big fan of colorful birds so you nailed it! 👌👏💯

Instinct Lady Mary, as your great body paint effort reminded me immediately of the famed Malachite.
Kindness makes my world turn and it was only a pleasure.
Strange gifts I know, but very suitable for the occasion methinks.

Thank you!

Haha, great instinct then! Have a great week! 💯

Thank you and may you also have a good week!

Thank you🙏

Intriguing and eye-catching in its beauty as always! 😁👍👍😁

Thank you! Have a great week!

Sensual and delightful!

I wondered how you might look, dancing all painted up in a room with a black-light overhead...???

Hmm interesting concept, if these would be UV colors it would look pretty nice in the dark

In 1969, a friend of mine painted one of his rooms black, installed a black light then invited all his Hippie friends to come and paint whatever they wanted on the walls and ceiling with Dayglow paint... It turned out to be quite an epic experience.

That's just so cool! I bet it was a lot of fun! Have a lovely week!

I like how the body paint puts your hair color as a focal point because of the contrast! I love listening to Lex too btw. This looked like a super fun project!

Hey! Ooo I have to love your sprinkle of Bob Ross in your comment hihi. Thank you! I thought about that too in regards to my hair.
Lex has such a nice way of talking with people and making science so appealing, glad to see you've read so far my post, I appreciate that!

Yes, Lex has an awesome attitude and amazing authenticity! Sorry it took me so long to respond! =) I am drawing a female figure at the moment and thought about your hair as an inspiration. I am going to check you blog for any photos that may be good references! Thank you for sharing your creativity!

Yes, Lex is great! It's awesome that you feel inspired by my rebel curly hair hihi, let me know when you finish, I would love to see the final result of your art!

I grew up with Bob.

I did too! We need another Bob Ross to come into this world!

Wow that is pretty cool! You look like a florescent sea creature. Beautiful!

Hey! Thanks so much! I actually do love marine life and I admire the beauty of marine creatures. So your comment is spot on when it comes to what I like. How's little Ricky? How are you coping with sleep routine, have you managed to get some rest?

Wow I'm really impressed with your creativity. You are a really good quality artist. Good luck to you.

Thank you for the appreciation!


Your art is amazing and you don't know how you touched my soul with your words ✨. We are only here for a fraction of a second, the ego of humanity is sometimes so big that we are blinded by all these comments about being "the superior species" when we are just a small combination of atoms within the vast universe 🌌. It was wonderful to find your art and your words, thank you for sharing. I will listen to that podcast, it looks interesting 😌.

Hey! What a beautiful comment, thank you very much. We are indeed tiny speckles in this vast Universe. Realizing our uniqueness and vulnerability in the same time is something that can leave us speechless.

I listened to that podcast 3 times, it fascinated me.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

amazing in detail much color.

Thank you!

=) I like your post I hope to see you with more

Thank you!

Greetings @creativemary, you went through my post and left me a comment, so I was going to thank you directly there, but then it seemed even better (as it is necessary to save the resource credits) to comment on your own article, also of course to read your content.

Hello! I appreciate it. I know how it is to not have enough Hive Power to post or comment, I can help with a small temporary delegation to help you to build it from there. I would suggest you to post in communities and engage with people here, they are really nice!

Wow !!! You really are a very dynamic, simple and gentle user.
God bless you, and give you many years of success @creativemary.

I absolutely love Lex Fridman. I became friends with an AI engineer here in Minneapolis, and Lex was responsibly for bringing him to London to teach. Beautiful artwork.

Me too! His mind is just... I want to put it under a microscope and stare at it the same way I would stare at a sky filled with stars hihi. He has a fascinating way of seeing things. Thanks for liking my bodyart!

With a face like that, you must be an alien which reminds me of when I would joke around about being an alien myself as a child. Love the green face there. Yeah, kids especially need the time to be bored in order to develop better when they are sitting still. Did you say you're a nerd? Me too.

Yes. I think we all had moments when we felt like aliens, misplaced and misunderstood

Oh, by the way, your face makes me think of Yoda and trees. You are a tree. I like climbing trees.

Thank you Joey! Have a great week!

Always. You too.

OK, I understand what has happened. Someone has stolen your Identity on Steemit and pretends to be you.

Hello! Identity theft? That's pretty upseting. If there is any possibility to have that account removed I would appreciate it. Fortunately there is a lot of transparency with blockchain and I am happy that things like these can be seen. Thank you for letting me know and I hope it will be fixed.
Have a great day!

Unfortunately, we can't help. We are sorry about it.
We left Steemit when Hive blockchain was created. We don't work there anymore.

Steemit is a scam and fraud haven run and used by thieves, scammers, and all sorts of dodgy characters.

What can you speak if you have several accounts, by God
you are also a thief and scammer

Ok, I understand. I joined Hive in march and it's the best place ever, most people here have a lot of integrity and are genuinely nice. Thank you for making time to respond. Have a good day!