Hello Folks! I hope everyone is doing great!
Today I finally gathered enough mental power to sit down and just write. So let me share something, lately life hasn't been smooth at all. Working on different jobs and a busy schedule and the constant stress of having a sustainable career, It seems like I have forgotten how it felt like just to be by myself and how I enjoyed it even without any music on. But, out of all this chaos this year, I did manage to create my first ever music single and distribute it throughout different platforms which seemed like a big challenge till last year. But apart from the music I am a visual designer as well and designing has been the primary source of income till now. As the city that I live in does not offer a lot to the designers I do find myself struggling here and there a bit but that's how I'm able to sustain myself. Lets say I'm balancing things and recovering from some traumas that happened recently in my life because of the instability. As an artist I have a vision to create something sustainable. Something that is true to its craft.
While I explored my first song I realized that I am never going to be the artist who would just create to sell his music because I kept rewriting and phrasing even when I was super tired, and that was something surprising to myself. This song reflects the struggles of understanding todays society specially when you dive alone straight into its challenges and the chaos. After a lot of writing and rewriting, the kick drums, the melodies and the rhythm I present to you my first music single.
Song Title : GENESIS
Links :
Spotify :
Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/in/album/genesis/1624805102?i=1624805103