A new character Illustration. Tobias Groundling

Tobias Groundling adored his garden. Despite his living on the seaside with salty wind and sandy soil, his garden flourished.

His was the sort of "green thumb" that seemed to cover all of him. "I've a green arm", he'd always joked with passersby, when they oohed and ahed over his little patch of flowers and veg.

Tobias Groundling was Garden-proud.

The Sketch before color added.

I just created Tobias the other day and I was thinking he just might fit nicely into my little collection of New England characters. I can picture him in a quaint little cape cod cottage, white picket fence with the sea behind.

Some layers of color in GIF format.

After considering a collection of these fellows living happily on this side of the pond, I'm beginning to think of them as the cousins to their English counterparts. I'm busy scribbling away in my art journals more little characters. And I could see a meeting of the two, if one character made the sea crossing to visit English cousins in ole' Blighty.


Whatever happens with these characters I'm having such fun creating them. I hope you are enjoying them as well. Until my next character, I hope you find a moment in your day to indulge in your own passions, whatever they might be.

Bunny Portraits



He's so adorable and rotund XD

Do you sometimes wish you had his green arm? :D

I do! I mean I try, with my gardens, but never being satisfied is probably part of being a Gardener lol.

Nice one man

Tobias is such a cute character :D