Hortense Lopear loved to be in her garden and just now she was in heaven as she sat patiently for her portrait to be made.
The scent of her prized roses mingled with the oils and turps as Ole' Henry, the village artist, made daubs and daps at the canvas. She longed to see it.
She hoped she'd not look too much a fool, sat in her front garden, as Henry made her portrait. But the light and her prized pink cabbage roses were simply perfection, so said Henry.
Just then her silly cousin, Lucy, came wandering thru the gate their garden's shared. Lucy had the bad habit of watering flowers with teapots and often going without any shoes...Hortense tensed up should anyone from the village pass by and see the pair thus: Lucy shoeless and pouring teapots over petunias and she, Hortense Lopear, sat rigid in a chair with a canvas behind she and her prized roses.
I hope you like my latest character. I had such fun with Lucy Lopearthat I had to give her a cousin. And since Hortense, in latin (Hortensia) means garden (as least I think it does, my school room Latin being what it is) I thought she was a clever little thing with her hat and roses.
Her sketch in charcoal.*
And of course a few layers in GIF format:
I'm still having fun with these characters again, especially as I'm back to simply creating their lil stories as I go and not worrying about their connection overall. I think if I just people my little world with them, who knows, perhaps in the end it'll make some sort of cohesion. It's a rum sort of way to go about making books, but there you go, I never set out to make it one, so if it ends up there, c'est la vie, eh?
Thank you for looking at my little portraits today and I hope you get a moment in your day to indulge in your own passions.
Bunny Portraits
It's so cute ❤️
Thank you so much :)
Cute bunny. I had a pet rabbit as a kid, but they don't do much. My sister had one that was a bit vicious.
Since I've been dog-less for awhile now, I've considered a rabbit as a 'hold over' pet until I'm ready for my next dog. Family friends used to have a huge house rabbit that used a litter box, and had free reign of the house, but had to sleep in a crate at night so he'd not chew wires lol.+
Then again some people have pigs in the house. We just have cats. Got another foster cat with us now until it finds a new home.
Hortense Lopear's calm pose and posture shows that this is not her first time having her portrait taking. Hehehe. Her hat,roses and tea pot from story gives me an 18th century English vibe-ish.
I appreciate the art, Lucy Lopear's cousin looks timid and bold at the same time if must say.
I'm glad you got the 18th c English vibe ,definitely what I was going for :) I'm thinking of this character as a poorer but house proud village inhabitant (English Village) who has old things, but she keeps them neat as a pin.
Hmm.... imagination running wild.I like that you were able to bring all that to show in your work perfectly.