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RE: My Fear of Clowns made into Art and an NFT

in OnChainArt3 years ago

I suppose when I wanted to 'face it down' I just went to my artistic default which is either animal or female form :) It actually sort of got me excited to do a few more.

As #nft are such fun I might make a few more 'lady clowns' just because my fear has turned into fascination, which I suppose those two things probably run pretty close in parallel anyway.

I was the same @bdmillergallery about listing #nft more often, just putting it off, but now I'm just embracing the simple gif animation. I was putting so much work into using my editing software (for video) and going about the hardway (not yet learning the adobe animation stuff) that I've just embraced the simple gif, it's more likely to get me to put up more nft I think.

I hope you get your water photograph up as nft.