also - i had to look up jackdaw hehehe
we don't have them here
we have crows and ravens. did you know that ravens can be taught to speak like parrots? hahahaha
they are so smart! crows are REALLY smart too. i have a group here that are highly intelligent. they do very very strange things hahahahaha
you would enjoy observing them. I found them once having a town meeting... and i tried to record them- but they are EXTREMELY sensitive to video recordings. I dont' know how they know it but they can even see when you slowly slowly slowly move to lift your phone in the dark behind the patio glass door!!! seriously -they sense something and they dont' ike you to video record them
I'm sure they are plotting daily. hahahaha and they want NO RECORDS of their meetings LOLOL
i haven't seen them in a while because i work in the day hehehe but they used to really plot all sorts of things.
hahahaha crows are interesting - but ravens are really extraordinary. you can train them to befriend you and bring you gifts hehehe
ok enough about all that hahaha
You don't have jackdaw? Love those birds. Quite small(not sparrow-small, regular small :D), black feathers that shimmer in navy blue and purple :)
belong to the corvidae group, so they are also not stupid birds, love those:)
Oh yeah, you can teach them to sing too, although those sounds need good deal of acquiring :D And they can be very affectionate too, but they need way more time to bond with 'owner' than parrots. And the thing is - when time comes - they will leave you anyway. They would come back every now and then to visit, but freedom is more precious for them than anything else:) And that I respect!!
I'm sure they are plotting daily. hahahaha and they want NO RECORDS of their meetings LOLOL
I love all corvidae birds. The are very careful, and they always know what you are up to! Plus they look like old man with his hand in the pockets when the walk, it is hilarious to watch!
Funny enough - raven is on my list to draw, but I have looong list :D