[Timelapse] All your colors | Drawing with the Note 10 Plus

in OnChainArt5 years ago (edited)

This is the first time in 6 years that I drew a full-blown drawing. And it's drawn on my phone.

I know you're probably going to say, "You're so talkative, Erang!" But please...

Allow me to tell you a story

online illustration contest, and to be honest, we're both very interested to join. The prize was the main motivation, but the other thing that merited my attention was the prompt:A couple of weeks ago, my friend @debilog mentioned an


I have a lot to hope for, and I have a lot of hope for both the older and younger generations. And, well, I just wanted to draw that, too! So I did... Only, I wasn't qualified to join.

I'm still happy I did draw something, though, because it literally pushed me to my limits. Heck, this is the first time that I drew a full-blown drawing in 6 years!


I want hope that can be celebrated and shared by everyone regardless of age, race, and color. Hope that can be honored in all range of the spectrum. Life comes in color for a reason.

The prompt made me think about my own maternal grandfather, who also looked after me as I grew up. He never read me stories, nor taught me stuff that I eventually learned at school. But he shared to me all his colors, the good and the bad, and allowed me to share with him mine as a kid. He let me carry coconuts, bananas, and cassavas with him, and he allowed me to mess with his workstation -- he loved doing all sorts of crafts, and I wished I could have taken all his lessons in wood crafting seriously.

He allowed me to share with him all my curiosities and apprehensions -- everything. He loved it whenever I sketched him, said he wasn't interesting enough to draw. But he was. There was this whole generation in between us, but even that didn't mute the colors.

He passed away when I was 15, and when I thought he took away back all the colors, that wasn't the case. :)

Why drawing this was challenging

I'm really bad at drawing backgrounds. Drawing on Note 10+, although with a larger screen compared to other phones out there, hampered any progress I was trying to do in terms of painting backgrounds. And, well, I'm just really generally bad at it hahaha.

The following timelapse video shows just how many times I struggled with the background. I couldn't quite imagine how I wanted it to go, so I ended up just sketching in stuff an applying Gaussion blur. LMAO.

▶️ Watch on 3Speak | ▶️ 3Speak

I played around with this Pinterest reference of an old man with a kid to come up with the subject.


  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
  • Apps:
  • Brushes: watercolor (at varying opacity settings); smudge; blur


There was something about the funny looks older people give the younger ones when the latter say something weird, but just generally witty, comments. Sometimes the looks were amazed, and sometimes, very disconcerting. Anyway, I have another drawing that I've started a couple of days ago and just couldn't get into finishing just yet. I hope to share it with everyone soon. :)


Advanced happy fathers' day to all fathers out there, to my Tatay most especially, and my Lolo there in heaven. :)

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Sayang, we can't join the contest but this piece is so lovely, bet you'll never regret making this <3

 5 years ago  

I was still so excited to join, though, and would really want to if given the opportunity. 😌 But yeah, I don't regret drawing this. ❤️

Awww, I miss Lolo. He was the first one who let me have a taste of "gin-bulag", when I was around 6 or 7 perhaps. I was meddling around when they were having a drinking session and I said, I was thirsty. He gave me the shot glass with gin, and I drank it thinking it was water. LOL. (yun talaga ang naalala ko hahaha)

 5 years ago  

Is making a Malapitan kid drink gin bulag by "mistake" a tradition? I could have sworn that happened to me, too, at 6 or 7. 😂

Hahahahaha... But never ever try to drink any alcoholic drinks ate ha... Ingat lagi...

 5 years ago  

Hahaha di naman me umiinom xD

Very good... (^_^)

Beautiful story behind your art, thank you for sharing it. Childhood memories are always very important

 5 years ago  

Thank you @creativemary! Old memories really do make good inspiration. :)

Welcome! Memories can stay fresh for years, they never fade

So beautiful picture and the story too. Congratulations.

 5 years ago  

Thank you so much, @artemacarre! :)

really beautiful😍

 5 years ago  

Thank you!!

Really sweet @erangvee and lovely sketch as well.

 5 years ago  

Thank you, @donnadavisart! ❤️

The video was a treat to watch! Beautifully composed artwork 🧡 Cheers :)

 5 years ago  

That means a lot, @aishwarya! Thank you! ❤️

que buen trabajo. me encanta esa paleta de colores.

awesome art you did brader