With such a variety of excellent cinema, I rarely talk about the most beloved and important films for me. I think it's worth fixing.
A very special film for me is "Under the Skin." The inexplicable magic of this story makes me return to it again and again.
My movie poster
The perfection of the ingenuity of the visual component of "Under the Skin" amazes me, and creates an atmosphere of ignorance and mystery, as if putting the viewer on par with a creature who knows this earthly world. The hypnotic sound series, coupled with the grandiose landscapes that existed long before the appearance of man, and continue their lives after him, bring "Under the Skin" to a level that most filmmakers will never achieve.
Taking the appearance of a woman, an alien becomes simultaneously the strongest and most vulnerable creature in the human world - this is the conceptual basis of the film "Under the Skin." Once the beauty of bends and porcelain becomes the object of violence, it transforms and disappears, unable to coexist with savagery and abomination.
Scarlett Johasson, my main source of inspiration. Shot from the movie
There are no answers in the world of an unknown guest, only questions. The human appearance will eventually become not just a shell, but one that will forever change the predator. From a transcendent being, this alien mind turns into something anthropomorphic that has managed to realize the value of human being. This axiological basis for Glazer's painting. Physical disappearance is not terrible - there is no death.
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I love this! what a beautiful job.
thank you, dear! ❤️