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RE: What Cost Freedom?

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Yes sir, I concur. And reading through the comments I think we are all on the same page. Quite a common argument from the people who say we should all give up our freedom for a sense of security (a false sense in my view) is: "You just haven't been affected by it yet so you don't understand". They don't seem to understand everyone has been deeply affected by it, and they assume everyone should react exactly like they do. If you're not hysterical and afraid it's as if you don't care!
Great photo. Thanks for your post.

  • Gary
 4 years ago  

Cheers Gary! In Germany they are already talking about a two class society, those who take the shot and those who don't. Those who don't will be discriminated against. But little do the conformists realise that their conformity will have what appears to be freedoms returned, but that these will then constantly be revised and tested. Once you step into the hamster wheel, you can't get off, ever. The Damocles Sword will forever hang over their heads. Eventually, it will arrive at a place where what is demanded of them is too much, but then it is too late.

The only rights and freedoms you have are those that you make for yourself. If you have ask someone or await permission for such things, you never had them in the first place, nor will you ever until you make them for yourself.

This video discusses and towards the ends offers some solutions.

Hey man,

Interesting, I just watched "Machiavelli - The Rulers vs The Ruled and the Struggle for Power" video from that channel before reading your response and then seen you had posted a video from the same channel. This one looks good, I'll give it a look.

I think you are right, we shouldn't be begging for our freedom or asking for it back. It's ours from the get-go. It's been a slow process for me to realize this over the past year but I have stepped in to this reality lately and it is empowering.

I agree with other points also, whether there will come a time when it is too late, I am not sure, it's hard to predict how things will turn out, or is it? What is certain is that when tyrants rule people and people are ignorant to the fact, it doesn't end well for the rulers or the ruled.

Keep shining a light.


 4 years ago  

The Academy of Ideas is a true treasure trove.

How will it unfold? Well, also funny, I just had the conversation with a friend. Here's what I wrote.

Non-participation, with all that means and results in. Development of a parallel society. (inspired by the Academy of Ideas video)

Otherwise, sit back and wait. I mean what could possibly go wrong with all of these things in the long term? Maybe it will be the ultimate Darwin Awards for all of the fearful and obedient people in the world. Their compliance will wipe them out as their bodies start to react and reject said vax and brain implants.

But it will take time. There will be cover ups, media blackouts, but as the body count mounts, it will become impossible to hide the truth and facts even from the very stupid.

Non-participation, indeed. Refuse, refuse, refuse.
I like the idea of a parallel society, it sounds better than a 2 tier society, of course that's how it will be presented. Those who lay down the laws and those who comply like to think they would be in the upper tier.
Could well be a you go your way I go my way scenario.

 4 years ago  

Could well be a you go your way I go my way scenario.
A this stage, I think it is the best outcome of all.