I'm currently working on the soundscape for my latest audiovisual NFT. I still didn't decide to title it - ideas are gladly appreciated! Here are some screenshots from the final render.
The geometry was created in 3D-Coat and DAZ3D, animated and rendered in Blender 3.0 on the SheepIt Renderfarm.
I created the 3D geometry of this NFT in 2011 as a reference for my painting --> Gynoid III
Genial!!!! Wünsch Dir ein wunderschönes 2022 🤗
Danke Caroline! Wünsche Dir auch alles beste für das neue Jahr!
Danke vielmals!!! 😍
Futuristic !!!
dumb title suggestion,
I don't understand - what do you mean?
like born, but with a zero. because digital. Like I said, it's a dumb suggestion, but it's what came to mind :)
Ok, now I get it, you mean of the birth of an android. Yeah, it's a possible interpretation...
The birth of the cyber-udon.
Amazing and wonderful!!! Happy new year! How long does it take you to make a work like this?
Thanks! I worked around a week or two back in 2011 when I created this geometry. Texturing, animating and mixing the soundscape took me around 4 days.
Your work is admirable, I can see the mastery in your work, I love it.