Miku Hatsune - Fan Art - Una Cantante que no Existe - A Singer that doesn't Exist [ESP/ENG]

in OnChainArt5 years ago (edited)


Fuente de la Imagen Original // Original Image Source - Fondo // Background


Hoy les quiero hablar sobre este gran fenómeno llamado Hatsune Miku y como fue que la conocí, así como mi opinión al respecto.

El año de 2010 fue la primera vez que supe de su existencia. Había ido con un exnovio a una premier de evangelio y había mucha publicidad de ella. Por un momento pensé qu era un anime o algo por el estilo y no le tome importancia. Estoy segura que llegué a ver su imagen por varios años hasta que en 2015 en una clase de la universidad un maestro sacó al tema a la famosa Miku Hatsune.

La conversación se desarrolló en torno a lo mucho que había avanzado la tecnología y como él no podía creer que alguien sería capaz de pagar para ir al concierto de “nadie”. Sin embargo, los conciertos de Hatsune miku llenan estadios, no es la primera ni única VOCALOID pero sí es la más famosa. Ha trabajado con marcas como Toyota y Google, incluso abrió el concierto de Lady Gaga.

En sus conciertos su imagen es proyectada como un holograma y aparece cantando y bailando en el escenario. Las personas que van a sus shows en realidad están pagando por escuchar música solamente, según los argumentos de este maestros. El no alcanzaba a comprende porque tanto fanatismo por un dibujo, por algo que no es “real”.

Hasta ese entonces entendí que o quién era Hatsune Miku y aunque me sorprendió saber de lo que estábamos hablando, pude entender su éxito. Considero que al ser un personaje a la que han decidido dejar de 16 años de edad, resulta muy atractiva la idea de ser fan de alguien o algo diferente. Tu ídolo nunca cambiará, siempre será tal y como lo viste desde la primera vez. No será más vuejo y no tendrá una vida personal, puedes fantasear con ella y comprar todo tipo de artículos con su imagen.

Pensándolo desde mi perspectiva ir a un concierto de Miku es igual que ir a cualquier otro concierto. Solo las personas que están hasta adelante pueden apreciar al cantante y los demás lo ven por pantallas enormes, entonces al igual que con Miku, lo que ves es una proyección. Y que pasa si el cantante hace playback. Bueno, al igual que con Hatsune Miku estas escuchando algo que ya está grabado.

En mi opinión no es tonto que sea tan querida y famosa, creo que cada quien tiene gustos diferentes y aunque yo no pagaría por ir a un concierto de Hatsune Miku, tampoco pagaría por ir al de alguien real, ya que no me gusta estar rodeada de mucha gente. Bueno, en general no me gusta salir.

Considero que los VOCALOIDS es una excelente herramienta para que los que gustan de hacer música independiente con sintetizadores.

Espero les haya gustado este pequeño fan art, estoy decidida a hacer todos los VOCALOIDS que encuentre a mi estilo.

Imagen de Referencia // Image used as Reference


Boceto // Sketch

26 sin título.png

Resultado Final // Final Drawing


Proceso // Process:


Today I want to talk to you about this great phenomenon called Hatsune Miku and how I met her, I also want to talk about my opinion about her.

On the year 2010, I heard for the first time about Hatsune Miku. I went to an Evangelion premier with an ex-boyfriend and there was a lot of propaganda about her. For a moment I thought that it was only an anime or something and did not look any further. I'm sure that I got to see her image for several years, but it was until 2015 in a university class that a teacher brought up the subject of the famous Miku Hatsune.

The conversation was developed around how much technology had advanced and how he could not believe that someone would be able to pay to go to the concert of something "that doesn't exist". However, at her concerts, Miku fills up stadiums. She is not the first or only VOCALOID but she is the most famous. She has worked with brands like Toyota and Google. She even opened a Lady Gaga concert.

At her concerts, her image is projected as a hologram and she appears singing and dancing on stage. People who go to her shows are actually paying to listen to music only, according to the arguments of this teacher. He cannot understand why so much fanaticism for a drawing, for something that is not "real".

Until then I truly understood who or what Hatsune Miku was and although I was surprised to discover what we were talking about, I was able to understand her success. I think that the idea of having a character who was decided to stop aging at 16 years old it's very attractive for a fan. Your idol will never change, it will always be as you saw her for the first time. She will not grow older and it will not have a personal life, you can fantasize about her and buy all kinds of items with its image.

This is my perspective, going to a Miku concert is the same as going to any other concert. Only people who are up ahead can appreciate the singer and others see him on huge screens, so as with Miku, what you see is a projection. And what if the singer lip-syncs. Well, just like with Hatsune Miku you are listening to something that is already recorded.

In my opinion, it is not silly that she is so loved and famous. I think that everyone has different tastes and although I would not pay to go to a Hatsune Miku concert, I would not pay to go to someone's real concert either. I do not like to be surrounded by a lot of people. In general, I don't like going out.

I consider VOCALOIDS to be an excellent tool for those who like to make independent music with synthesizers.

I hope you liked this little fan art, I am determined to make all the VOCALOIDS that I find in my style.

¡Miku en Acción! // Miku in Action!

¡Hasta la Próxima!

Until Next Time!


Mis Redes Sociales - My Social Media Links:

#HIVE: @grisvisa

Instagram - Facebook - Creary - YouTube


Amiga ame tu post, te quedo fantástico como un miku chibi <3. Excelente trabajo.

 5 years ago  

Muchas gracias @memes777! Yo disfruté mucho haciendo este dibujo, seguiré compartiendo algunos! Saludos!

Espero con ansía verlos

i really like the art. nice cartoony style.

Although i don't understand why people would be a fan of "her", considering she isn't real. So, when someone says they are her fan, they actually mean that they like the creator. Everything that she is, what makes her, "her", comes from someone else from behind the curtain. So, when someone says they like her looks, they are saying they like the creative mind of the artist that created her face. When they say they like her movement, they are actually saying they like the thought process of the person who programmed her movements.... See, how this works?

I really have no idea about her. And this is the first time i heard about this, from your post. Don't take my comment so seriously except for the part where i said i really like your art, because thats some good art work...

Very nice work keep it up 👍🏾

I think that the idea of having a character who was decided to stop aging at 16 years old it's very attractive for a fan. Your idol will never change, it will always be as you saw her for the first time. She will not grow older and it will not have a personal life, you can fantasize about her and buy all kinds of items with its image.

I both get this and think it's kinda lame x_x I'm a terrible person.

I can't even with your style it's so freaking cute XD

 5 years ago  

lol! I meant fantasize in a good way, but I guess it can take other interpretations...

And thank you! I'm glad that you like my style!

super kawaiii <3

 5 years ago  

Thank you!! I love kawaii things!