
Do you mind if I write about this painting? I have been thinking about it since I have seen it. It will be my interpretation.... you may not see it the same way...

 5 years ago  

Aaw, I'm so glad it got stuck in your head (cos it means my painting is effective ehehehe). Sure thing! It would be an honor 😊

Alrighty.. fair warning... you may not like it :) That is not something probably you thought while painting it. I am reading lots a magical realism now, so I am seeing things with that light :)

 5 years ago  

Go go! :D

It’s your painting... lol... but let me give you a hint. Turn it upside down.... and look at the reflection on the shining floor... just look ... don’t tell me :)

 5 years ago  

I think I get what you mean. :D It is something related to t he color of the environment as well

It's spectacular... I don't think you intended it that way... that makes it even more surreal!