in OnChainArt4 years ago

Hello to all lovers of digital art !!! and the absurd and funny images. ^ _ ^


Yes, I had a long time since the last time, I did not show you a more elaborate drawing as I like, the last time it was the drawing of the "red sweater" and from there I had no choice but to publish two drawings and a logo that I made at work and it is more than clear to me that this does not attract much attention, which is more than obvious, the type of arts that they ask me to do there is of the lowest quality, according to my standards, since my bosses The speed with which an art is finished matters more than the art itself, they even tell me to download designs from freepik, which I refused to pay attention to, also in there they only put me to make flyers for Instagram , I think at this point it is clear to me that graphic design is not my thing, what I really like is drawing as an artist, but I still have to continue working there.

Returning to the theme of this drawing, which I think has already become my favorite, in this image I wanted to experiment with humor, something that I love to see, and which is curiously linked to a personal experience of my childhood, my idea was to draw a girl who is smoking while writing in a notebook and for some reason she is wrong and ends up confusing the pencil with the cigarette by taking it to her mouth and trying to write with the cigarette, and to top it off the pencil begins to act like a cigarette expelling smoke in the shape of letters, and she with the WDF face in her gaze, when I said that it is linked to me it is because when I was in elementary school I was drawing in my notebook while I had a strawberry palette in my mouth, and I took it out from the mouth when I was talking to my friend, and in one of those I take the pencil to my mouth and with the other hand I apply the palette like a pencil, it was very fast but it was enough for my friend to make fun of me and do the make me laugh with all the sa lon. ^ _ ^

Sketch done in pencil


Separadores para Web-01.png

Detecting errors

Errores Dectetados.jpg

This without a doubt is the drawing that suffers the most changes of all those I have done, it is that I made many mistakes and it was in it that I realized that I draw a very large head in all my drawings. The biggest mistake for obvious reasons is the head is excessively huge, not to mention its elements, the eyes are very far apart and the left one is very small, his nose is too far to the left of his face, the ear is very small, the hair does not have volume, the hands are very large, especially the right hand which holds the cigarette which seems inflamed and is far apart from the notebook as if it were not going to write in it, her left shoulder is very drooping According to the pose, her breasts are very sagging as if she were 50 years old, a mistake about clothes is I realize that no girl I have seen wears a flannel under a blouse and that is why the change of clothes, her hips are badly made Finally, the error was in the letters that they do not follow the physics of the smoke that the further it moves away, the bigger they become when spreading.

Correcting mistakes


Separadores para Web-03.png



Flat colors

Dafuq Color Flat-01.jpg

With this GIF I show you the entire illustration process


The Contours of Each Vector


Each trace and node that make up the image

Comparativa de Nodos.jpg

All drawing progress


Technical information:

Digital vector drawing
Program used Adobe Illustrator CC 2019
Full resolution 3587 x 5391px at 300dpi
Publication resolution 798 x 1200px at 72dpi

Thank you very much for reading my post

What are your criticisms and comments about this drawing, what would you improve?
Please let me know in the comments below.
I hope you liked my work
See you in a future post


Inu-Jim LOGO.png

Copyright @inu-jim –Allrightsreserved


That's a great facial expression XD and yeh that probably won't work as well though drawing with cigarettes might look interesting XD

vaguely related, I was recently laughing at a friend for almost smoking a cigarette the wrong way twice in a row

Ergh can vaguely relate to your work situation. One of the jobs I worked at previously one of the supervisors was all WHY DON'T WE [outsource to things like Fiverr|99Designs and use whatever people come up with as a base|download images from blah]" and the info architect/web/graphic designer and I were like "how about NO".

The girl's expression was the most important, the other time I saw a video of a subject who drew with fire, slightly burning the paper, and did it with great detail, almost realistic.
I imagine how funny, when that happened to me, everyone laughed all day for mistaking a palette for a pencil.
In the world to work is difficult when one has many artistic goals.

Me gusto bastante como quedo el sombreado del arte, pero trata que el muñuño en el cabello (parte superior) tenga tambien algo de brillo. Pero genial trabajo ;-D

Gracias hermano, y para que lo sepas ese muñuño en el cabello se le dice cebollita, así lo eh escuchado como todas las mujeres y niñas nombran a esa forma de amarrarse el cabello, lo considere hacerlo pero en lgunas fotos eh imagines de referencia que use para la iluminación note, que no aplicaban luces fuerte, amenos que el foco de luz fuerte se desde arriba, y también porque me dio algo de pereza hacerla jeje

Awesome, love the style and the sense of humor!

I think humor can go a long way in art, especially in comics/graphic novels. Would you be interested in doing a commissioned piece for our Battlegames community [gaming/NFT community]??

I would be glad to make a commission ^ _ ^Thank you very much, @battlegames humor is one of the things I enjoy the most in life, and without a doubt it is something fundamental in the comic and graphic novel industry.

cool, do you have Discord? or how do you prefer to communicate about such things? 😎

I Love your artwork! 💛💗

Thank you very much @faffy I always give my best, in each of my new works ^ _ ^