jason04 cross-posted this post in OnChainArt 5 years ago

Mew is Waving, Wave Back | Pokemon Drawing | Jason DigiArts.

in #onchainart5 years ago (edited)


Free Time is Drawing, Gaming and OCD discord time. Lately, I was really busy with my school works and stuff. In fact, I really am stressed and I have a hard time adjusting to online classes because I am not comfortable learning through online. I want to learn face to face but yes, as what they say, we should learn to adjust to this new normal. I am still slowly adjustjng to this kind of learning though it may be hard but there is nothing I can do about that. Anyway, I just had a free time earlier and yesterday because our teacher has announce that he has some appointment to attend to this day. As a result, I sleep late yesterday, played games, and of course, spend some time in the OCD discord.

And the next day(which is today), I watch some movies and also played some music quiz in the OCD discord. It was been a while since I had played that quiz that I really am bad (or maybe the bot is the problem because most of the songs are unfamiliar to me, lol). I played the music quiz with @cryptictruth and bet some hive. Of course, I always lose and he always win because I suck at music though. I do not care about losing or winning, I just wanna have some fun. I know in the first place that I am gonna lose but who cares about that. After some time, I had some breakfast and when I went back, they are having some trivia quiz so what's the right and fun thing to do? Of courrse, join the trivia. The questions are so random and I sometimes, not sometimes but mostly pick the majority's answers. Mostly the majority's answers are wrong so I often pick the one's who has been chooses the least. After some time, the quiz has ended and I am the top scorer. Then, I started doing my school works and comply everything that should be done within that day. After I finished everything, I then started drawing.

What's on my mind is that I wanna draw something cute and adorable. I need a drawing that will not add more stress to me. And since, I really am a fan of pokemons, I started thinking of what to draw. I was thinking of squirtle and mew. Both are cute but I choose mew.

I am still on the process of practicing. I won't stop practicing. I will practice everytime. I mean not everytime since I got classes now. I will spend some time practicing as long as I got some free time and that I have no pending tasks that are to be complied very soon. Maybe right now, my works are not that great and impressive but a year from now or more, I am already creating many arts and that people will be amazed by it.

To my future self, "If ever you got discouraged, please do revisit your arts years ago in hive and compare it to what you are making now. You're gonna see how much you have improved and that your efforts are truly worth it. Please do keep moving forward and be an inspiration for other people"

I will make more arts and post it here on hive if I got time. There will be some of my works that I can not post due to being busy but as long as I could, I will post my arts. This is my way of storing my arts and so that months or years later, I could compare it to my future arts and see how much I have improved and how much I have grown.


And then, I started looking for references. Onthe right side is the main reference where I got the color of my art but I altered some colors. Also, since I thought of having a pokemon that is somehow waving, I searched for "a pokemon waving" in google and I saw this pikachu picture. I then choose this as the reference of the position or gesture of my art. Fors the background, I just thought of having it in a galaxy concept but in a very simple and miniwal way.

In making the art, I made a quick sketch first. I did not make it that sketch very accurate because along the way, I am that kind of person who changes this and that so the some part of the sketches are adjusted. Then I proceeded in tracing the skecth using pen(sharp). I like this for tracing arts like this one because this pen has a fading or sharp ends.

I then start adding colors to the parts of mew. I had different layers for the face body, feet and tail so I can have an easy time in applying the gradients and shadows. So yes after applying colors, I then applied gradients. Since my light source is from the left side, I put a lighter shade of gradient in the left side of mew and a darker one for fhe right side. After that, using the watercolor brush, I then applied the light and dark shades to the different parts of mew. Next is I put the highlights in the eyes , face and in the tail and some other parts of mew's body.

After the character is all set, I started makung the background. I choose a violet color and applied a gradient to it on the upper-left side. I also added some white dots using watercolor at different sizes and capacities that somehow represent as the star and other heavenly bodies. I tried to make it as minimal and simple to highlight more the character.

Here is a step by step process shown through a series of pictures







Final Art


Here is a GIF on how the art processes were done


  • MediBang Paint
  • DIY Stylus Pen
  • Brushes Used:
    • Pen (sharp)
    • Shape tool
    • Watercolor
    • *at various capacities

Wow. You reached this far? Thank you! That's it for today's blog. Hope you enjoyed it and had fun :)


Spread Positivity and Keep the Vibes Up!

What's up Hivers ! Give me a Hive Five.......................Nice! This is Chris Jason A. Oswa, your boy @jason04. I am a Computer Engineering student. I am proud to be a hiver and assures to give quality content as I can. I am a "jack of all trades, master of none" which means I can do a bit of poetry, a bit of travel blog, daily experiences and a bit of graphic designs. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog and don't forget to upvote, comment your suggestions and reblog. Lastly, follow me to be updated with my random blogs.

Again, this is @jason04 and " HIVE a nice day"!