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I remember visiting his house and seeing the hallways filled with CDs stacked from floor to ceiling. Shelves full of vinyl filled several rooms. Then came the flash drives and hard drives, and all the music, which filled his life and his corridors, took up much less space. Gonzalo undoubtedly loved music and also movies, he always tried to meet me to see a premiere.
On one occasion, some lent me some five hundred CDs that made a year of musical discoveries pass that marked a time in life. Thanks to him I got to know the first Radiohead records that I keep listening to so much, the intricate compositions of Björk, or the alternative music of Garbage, Morcheeba or The Cardigans, among many others. I don't know if it was because of that or because of the movie afternoons that I spent with him, but I don't remember crying both at a funeral and at his.
He had known me since I was a child, maybe that's why he lent me the right music, but I didn't get to know him until I was in my twenties. His story was long and I was completely unaware of it until he told it to me little by little. From those movie afternoons a lasting friendship was born and it was inevitable that he made her a portrait to give her a gift. He even dropped it off at his house and sent me the photo. We all believed that he had coped well with his liver transplant, but in the blink of an eye, he died in the arms of his mother leaving us all with a great emptiness. I did not have the opportunity to say goodbye.
A kiss to heaven.
Recuerdo visitar su casa y ver los pasillos llenos de CDs amontonados desde el suelo hasta el techo. Estanterías repletas de vinilos llenaban varias habitaciones. Luego llegaron los pendrives y los discos duros, y toda la música, que llenaba su vida y sus pasillos, pasó a ocupar mucho menos espacio. Sin duda Gonzalo amaba la música y también el cine, siempre intentaba quedar conmigo para ver algún estreno.
En una ocasión me prestó unos quinientos CDs que hicieron que pasara un año de descubrimientos musicales que marcaron una época en vida. Gracias a él conocí los primeros discos de Radiohead que tanto sigo escuchando, las intrincadas composiciones de Björk, o la música alternativa de Garbage, Morcheeba o The Cardigans, entre muchos otros. No sé si fue por eso o por las tardes de cine que pasé con él, pero no recuerdo haber llorado tanto en un funeral como en el suyo.
Me conocía desde niño, quizás por eso me prestó la música que sabía que iba a amar, pero yo no llegué a conocerlo a él hasta que cumplí la veintena. Su historia era larga y yo la desconocía por completo, hasta que me la fue contando poco a poco. De esas tardes de cine nació una amistad duradera y era inevitable que le hiciera un retrato para hacerle un regalo. Llegó a colgarlo en su casa y a enviarme la foto. Todos creíamos que había sobrellevado bien su trasplante de hígado, pero, en un cerrar de ojos, murió en brazos de su madre dejándonos a todos con un gran vacío. No tuve la oportunidad de despedirme.
Un beso al cielo.
I'm a Witness 🦄
Did you know I'm a and a Hive-Engine Witness?
I love to collaborate with Hive Grow with @preludiocosmico account
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Copyright: Javier Sebastian, Canary Islands. All my images are original.
If you want to buy any of my visuals, please drop me a message, I'm on Discord: JavierSebastian#5816
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great work 👍
Thanks a lot. I'm glad you like it.