Hivemind podcast episode #001 discussing OnChainArt w/ community creator @midlet!

in OnChainArt5 years ago

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Hey, @threespeak and @hiveio! I’m really excited to make this post tonight. Since the beginning of the pandemic quarantine, I started making big investments in equipment and my personal knowledge to start a bonafide podcast, having discussions with some of the greatest minds on the Hive platform. It’s taken months to get the set up and studio right, but the biggest hurdle was overcoming my apprehension to being in front of the camera. When I reached out to @midlet for the first episode, he shared the same unease, but we both took it as an opportunity to overcome that barrier.

This is sort of a beta. I just wanted to make sure everything ran smoothly, AV checked out and most importantly, that I was able to hold an intelligible conversation. Fortunately, @midlet made it easy! For those aren’t familiar, @midlet is the creator and steward of OnChainArt community. Like me, it was art that brought him to Hive and his mission is to continue the growth of visual art here on the platform. What a thoughtful discussion we had, speculating on where Communities will go, NFT’s and critical mass adoption. Please enjoy! This is the first of many.

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Alrighty. I listened to it all. Very interesting, I did not know you are into comics too, lovely. I am sure that freelance work now is hard for everybody as Chris mentioned. I like some of the ideas you talked about, connected with helping newbies, creating collections, incentivizing people to be good etc. I also admired the courage it took to loan money to buy steem and then still stay strong after it all burned down in flames. I think learning comes with experience. I also believe in the simulation/visualisation theory. I do believe that if you want it and imagine it, you bring it into your life. 9k daily users on Hive... That is a promicing number for the start.

What I found interesting is the idea of finding people to empower other people. I do agree that Hive needs more people next to investors. I think that we need people with a strong will. It will not matter how many people you help buying their own latte with crypto money, if they don't have an inner fire to inspire them, they won't commit long term. Here, I believe, is where progress can happen. We need leaders in communities. Great content is lost and new stuff comes up. A feature page, a top page with best content of all times, some sort of archiving the absolute best would be very beneficial. A sort of a top 10 leaders of content in any community. Or top 50 best artworks, photos, videos etc. Maybe even the possibility to have included in the Hive itself the possibility of instant chat with a member/leader of a community without having necessarily a discord. More mass appeal. Great content, visually inspiring, attracts. One person who can empower millions... Chris's (@midlet)words really hit the point on this one. A community is build with people. Hive is different because it brings a human factor next to the concept of social platform. This is an unique quality, with good potential. If great leaders in their communities can inspire through their content and their content is brough up in front, for random Joe to see and be in awe, then slowly people will come. Hive has it all to make it, it needs a sprinkle of mass appeal.

I also rarely post on IG, just like you, after discovering Hive, I no longer see the purpose on being on any other platform than this.

Great podcast! Thanks!

Ha! That end freeze frame combined with the slogan was just a perfect wrap up. Great video overall. Being one of the kool-aid drinking plugged in users I enjoyed every minute. But along the lines of ”no one cares about transaction speeds”, I’d even love to see the broadly applicable segments of this conversation edited together to create a video that’s more widely shareable across other platforms and art communities. It was that good and you’re both so well spoken that stripped to essentials this type of series could be great marketing.

Ahh, sort of like Joe Rogan does the shorter clips as well as the long interview. That's a really good idea. I've got the recording too so if I get a chance I'll try to chip up a few.

This is awesome. Can't wait for more episodes. Also Lars ( @kommienezuspadt ), your frame is straight out of a Cinematographer's masterclass book haha - with killer art direction included.

 5 years ago  

@kommienezupadt's comment on performing for an audience of ourselves had me in stitches 🤣.

This episode hit the heart of democratized decentralization. You touched a little on the bull and bear logic and think you could have a broader discussion around that.
Awesome stuff.

Yea, it quickly became clear we could both yammer on and on about this stuff for hours. We'll have to do it again sometime.

 5 years ago  

Naturally! It's a topic that's taken for granted to the possible detriment of the project of actual democratized decentralization and maybe that's because since we think we're in a decentralized platform we, maybe, assume that means there isn't work to be done toward actualizing this loftier goal. I'd love to see that discussion.

All in all, this was an awesome episode. Maybe you'll come on again.

Oooo I am so excited for this!! Will listen to it fully and come back with my feedback, yupiii👂👂😍 When you pronounce your username it sounds so much better than what I had in my mind. Can't wait to listen. I'll be back 💪

Yay now I know how to pronounce your nym!

I hope I don't forget x_x

Your setup is pretty classy too XD Not sure what you were so concerned about with starting the podcast, you both came across like you were old hat at this kind of thing XP

Yea, neither of us are all that adept with this whole thing but were both interested in going down this road, but had no idea how it would turn out. Glad people like it :)

Nice! I haven't had a chance to watch it all yet, but love the idea - Hopefully there will be links to this put all over the place, especially in the offchain art communities :)

BTW - I always thought @midlet was English :D

You up for one of these, @tarazkp? I’d love to have a chat with you.

Sure at some point :)

Haha, never would have thought I project Englishman :p

You have a level of class and sophistication.

Don't worry - all that illusion is gone now ;D

Haha, well you're up next so we'll see your podcasting skills in action :p

Nice job! I am just now getting ready to write a post about communities, so this is very timely for me!

 5 years ago  

Nice chat, very interesting for Hive noobs like me. :D


This project using blender is quite interesting, looking at what happened before with the open movie projects on the blender founadtion, they've always relayed on communities for short film projects, we could even reach for them when we have a schedule...
And we also could build something like this without having to reach out of the hive community