This painting is based on two dreams I had. In the first dream, I was in the forest at night, flying above the trees, I came to a clearing where there was a glowing star which connected seven octahedrons. (eight sided object) In each one was a beautiful glowing person. The energy felt very sacred.
When I started painting it, I easily connected the outer six octahedrons at the points of the stars but I was confused as how to connect the central figure. I then had another dream where there was one dreamer who dreamt six other dreamers. They encircled her and were connected though a type of liquid gaseous stuff! The six were also dreaming. The dream itself is conscious.
I realized the central character was the most important character so on the suggestion of a friend, I connected all the dreamers through the heart. These lines of connection are mimicked in the above star.
I am currently working with sacred symbols and writing a book about one particular symbol (secret for now!) I often dream about variations and expressions of it. The book does not include the dreams, so I share them with you here.
Thank you for looking. Peace be with us all.
if you want to see more paintings: