Casual girl draw Casual girl pixel art with tutorial

in OnChainArt5 years ago

Hello everyone! Greetings to you all.

Today, I want to show you my pixel art of this "casual" girl, i love the simple pixel art so I hope you enjoy this pixel art

I made a tutorial section to help thoses who want start at pixelart.
modern casual.png


Tutorial section

  • first I choose the color paletete form a reference image (this make more easyer the work)

  • play around the dimentions, you can made 16x16 grid and work aroun it

  • like always i work on the face and base colors, late work with the body

  • body work base on head dimentions (you can work body on difrent layer to make easy the modifications)

  • I change the hair color to black and change the tshirt design.


I hope you enjoy my work and tutorials. i keep simple for thoses who start at pixel art.
sorry my english, not native.
thanks for your upvote!, that help me a lot to keep working.


That's a cute character :)

thanks, i want make a mini comic of her. but is a future work