Xena warrior princess inspire pixelart with tutorial

in OnChainArt5 years ago

Hello everyone! Greetings to you all.

Today, I want to show this pixelart inspire in the icon of 90s Xena Warrior Princess, I love this character, so I hope you enjoy this pixel art

I made a tutorial section to help thoses who want start at pixelart.

xena grande.png

Tutorial section

  • first I choose the color paletete form a reference image just 6 colors (this make more easyer the work)

  • work on face and dimentions, I always use 3 skins tones for shadows and light sections

  • I made in other layer the hay work to keep intact the face, sometimes you dont like the hair work so you dont loose all the work

  • keep working on body shadows and light sections. and early armor

  • ajust the dimentions and keep doin details. i forget the chess details but you can keep working on the armor

I hope you enjoy my work and tutorials. i keep simple for thoses who start at pixel art.
sorry my english, not native.
thanks for your upvote!, that help me a lot to keep working