
Wonderful @meesterboom I do love a ginger. I think it's a Scottman's duty to create at least one ginger each generation :)

Then I shall consider my duty done and leave now to go back to my own time...

Ginger hair is so cool , my nephew has it as well. It totally represents him as he is so full with energy all the time.

It is super cool. The Little Boom is a powerhouse of energy. He also has a temper to march. I am starting to believe what they say about red haired folk and their temper!

I can agree on the temper. My nephew has tons of energy and when he gets upset...uh la la...super tantrums

They are insane aren't they!! I thought my daughter was bad when she was young but the little guy... He is like a volcano!

He'll probably melt hearts and snow haha :)

Perhaps melt snowy hearts 😃