in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

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Design creating process:

***First I open photoshop and take new file.Go to file and placed an food image.Then I take quik selection tool and select food image.
click select and mask then put on black,and remove background.I take new layer with mask in food image. Take solid color on background.Go to ellipse tool and select an
ellipse on food image.Then make free transfrom to increse it.Then I go to stroke color and take an strock,fill color off.

Then I go to type tool and choose an font "Aileron".It has big typeface family,so I like it.I type require text and change font size,and weight to create hierachy.I take text
color from food image.Take rounded rectangle tool,and increase rounded.Go to fill color and fill it.Then press contol+j to make duplicate copy and it take stroke color.
Type 'shop now'.Go to free stock image for leaf image.It gives the design real look.Again I take "magic wand tool"to remove background color.

Go to brush tool and take food brush.Set the brush tool in right position.Keep backgronud color white.At last I go to colour lookup and take 3d strip color and chose perfect color.
I choose crips warm look.Finally I complete my food banner design. Then I go to file and save as different file.

Thank you for watching my video patienly.

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