This is the second post about my parebts house and the artworks that you can find there, under there, a link to the previous post.
In this post I show you the paintings that my mother made.
She draw mostly in oil and she often paints cool illustrations.
Some are inspired by real people other are all from her mind.
This is a charming fancy old lady, it's not my favorite paint, it's situated in the living room with the other women portraits.
This is my mom @silviabeneforti with her art, you can find more about her and her art here on hive, but she also have a website on etsy and art finder
The last paint is another cool lady with a sheep, I like when my mom paint animals, the other paint is a portrait of my step dad, pretty accurate.
These are my paintings and you copied a content written by my daughter @noemilunastorta!!! !!!! Shame on you!!!
Not yours, stop stealing people contend