There are some drawings that evoke a special feeling in the artist and no matter how many times we do them, they evoke a certain feeling of well-being and happiness. This painting, the painting of the White Angel, gives me that feeling of peace, tranquility and happiness. If you asked me how many times I drew this picture, I wouldn't be able to tell you.. it seems like countless times.. But every time I draw it, it feels like I'm drawing it for the first time. The colors in the picture, tones, transitions between colors and the motif give the impression of a peaceful, beautiful place. This is the reason why this picture holds a special place in my heart, even though I usually like colorful and bright colored pictures. Sometimes a person just needs to find some peace in something, and that's exactly the feeling I get when I see her.
In the following, I will show you how the drawing process went, as well as the finished work. I hope you'll like the drawing.
Postoje te neke slike koje izazivaju posebno osećanje kod umetnika i koliko god puta da ih uradimo, one izazivaju neki osećaj blagostanja i sreće. Meni taj osećaj mira, spokoja, sreće daje upravo ova slika, slika Belog anđela. Kada biste me pitali koliko puta sam nacrtala ovu sliku, ne bih umela da vam kažem.. čini mi se bezbroj puta.. Ali svaki put kad je crtam, osećaj je kao da je crtam prvi put. Boje na slici, tonovi, prelazi između boja i sam motiv na slici odaju utisak nekog spokojnog, lepog mesta. To je razlog što ova slika zauzima posebno mesto u mom srcu, iako inače volim šarenilo i slike u jarkim bojama. Nekada je prosto čoveku potrebno da nađe neki mir u nečemu, a upravo taj osećaj ja imam kada vidim nju.
U nastavku ću vam prikazati kako je tekao proces crtanja, kao i završen rad. Nadam se da će vam se crtež svideti.
It is very attractive and inspiring your drawing of undoubtedly Byzantine air. Thank you and best regards to you, @nesni996.
un gran trabajo y admirable por la tecnica que aplicastes te felicito quedo genial saludos y exitos
Thanks. 😊